Umbrella Academy Quotes – Magical Quote

The umbrella academy is a popular netflix series based on the comic book series created and written by gerard way.Here are some of the best umbrella academy quotes from the show.

The show follows the lives of seven dysfunctional siblings, all born on the same day to a billionaire industrialist, and raised by their robot mother. The show has a unique sense of humor that has won the hearts of millions of viewers. Many of its quotes have become iconic and are widely shared on social media. Here are some of the best umbrella academy quotes from the show.

Umbrella Academy Quotes Funny

✔ “Well, it finally happened. The gorilla DNA has taken over your mind.” -Five

✔ “Cousins on my robot mother’s side. -Five”

✔ “Funny Klaus quotes The Umbrella Academy Season 2
Him first. -Allison”

✔ “I could teach you to shave like a big boy. -Lila”

✔ “I don’t owe them the fuzz off my peaches. -Hazel”

✔ “I just hate group breakups. That’s why I stopped dating twins. -Klaus”

✔ “I know this is impossible, but did we all get sexier? -Klaus”

✔ “I think the question is when are we? -Ben”

✔ “I’ve dropped turds bigger than Herb.”

✔ “Imagine Batman, then aim lower. -Five”

✔ “Men have sides, women have secrets. -Sissy”

✔ “Rude. -Klaus”

✔ “So much for honor and dignity. -Raymond”

✔ “Someone needs fiber. -Herb”

✔ “Stop being a princess and get in. -Lila”

✔ “The only thing The Umbrella Academy knows about love is how to screw it up. -Klaus”

✔ “They’re gone. Like a fart in the wind. -Klaus”

✔ “We have to risk everything to save everything. -Luther”

✔ “What the hell did we do now? -Five”

✔ “What would possess me to adopt seven ill-mannered malcontents? -Reginald”

✔ “Who’s Diego? -Elliott”

✔ “Wonder if it’s too late to be unadopted. -Five”

✔ “Yeah, why don’t you tell that to Luke Skywalker? I know you don’t get it, but that is an excellent reference. -Diego”

✔ “You know some say the best luck is to die at the right time. -Five”

✔ “You look like Antonio Banderas with the long hair. I just thought you should know. -Klaus”

Umbrella Academy Quotes Klaus

✔ “Being smart doesn’t make you interesting.” – Klaus Hargreeves

✔ “Best. Funeral. Ever.” – Klaus Quotes

✔ “Celestial Comedown Is A B***h” – Klaus Hargreeves

✔ “Dad, could you stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment?” – Klaus

✔ “Don’t go chasing waterfalls, stick to the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to.” – Klaus

✔ “Eternal peace is probably overrated.” – Klaus

✔ “Eternal peace is probably overrated.” – Klaus Hargreeves

✔ “Face It, The Healthiest Long-Term Relationship In This Family Was When Five Was Banging That Mannequin” – Klaus

✔ “Family barbecues are about to get really weird.” – Klaus

✔ “He’s dead! Yay!” – Klaus Hargreeves

✔ “He’s Dead! Yay!” – Klaus Hargreeves Quotes

✔ “I can’t just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, “Dad, could you just stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?” – Klaus Hargreeves

✔ “I Feel Like Scoop After Scoop After Scoop’s Being Taken Out Of Me” – Klaus Hargreeves

✔ “I hate to disappoint you Benny boy but you are not getting in this body.” – Klaus

✔ “I just hate group breakups. It’s why I stopped dating twins.” – Klaus Hargreeves

✔ “I know this is impossible, but did we all get sexier?” – Klaus

✔ “I love you! Even if you can’t love yourself!” – Klaus Hargreeves

✔ “I’m a complete and total fraud.” – Klaus

✔ “I’m just gonna go murder Mom, I’ll be right back.” – Klaus Quotes from The Umbrella Academy

✔ “If you keep undressing me with your eyes, I’m gonna catch a cold.” – Klaus Hargreeves

✔ “Like You Wouldn’t Climb Luther Mountain” – Klaus Hargreeves

✔ “Listen to me. I nearly died from Luther’s sleep farts last night. We need to get out of here, get some fresh air!” – Klaus Quotes from The Umbrella Academy Season 3

✔ “My cult is going to be so pissed… I told them we had until 2019.” – Klaus

✔ “The only thing The Umbrella Academy knows about love is how to screw it up.” – Klaus

✔ “They are gone like a fart that went poof.” – Klaus

✔ “Unfortunately ghosts can’t time travel.” – Klaus

✔ “Why Would You Put Pineapple On Pizza” – Klaus Hargreeves

✔ “You are depriving some village of their idiot.” – Klaus Quote

✔ “You don’t have to join the military to become a man. Don’t sacrifice yourself — because I love you.” – Klaus

✔ “You guys are scarier without the masks.” – Klaus Hargreeves

✔ “You Guys Are Scarier Without The Masks” – Klaus Hargreeves Quote Season 3 of Umbrella Academy

✔ “You Had A Cult?’ ‘Well It Was The 60s babe, Everyone Had One’” – Klaus Hargreeves

✔ “You look like Antonio Banderas with the long hair. I just thought you should know.” – Klaus

✔ “You’re Always Screwin’ Things Up, And You’re Really F*****g Tired Of It” – Klaus Hargreeves

✔ “You’re gonna do great in prison, Grant. Trust me, I’ve been there.” – Klaus

Umbrella Academy Quotes is that they are an excellent source of inspiration and entertainment. The quotes are cleverly written, often with a dark twist, and are sure to make you think outside the box. They are also a great way to add a bit of levity to any situation.

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