Kid Cudi Quotes – Power Of Positivity

Here are some of the most inspiring and thought-provoking Kid Cudi Quotes that have helped shape the lives of so many. Kid Cudi is one of the most influential modern artists of our time. His music, lyrics, and quotes have been a source of inspiration for many people, providing hope and guidance for those going through difficult times.

His words have been a source of strength for many, reminding us that we can make it through anything if we stay true to ourselves. Here are some of the most inspiring and thought-provoking Kid Cudi Quotes that have helped shape the lives of so many.

Inspirational Kid Cudi Quotes :

🔷“I just wanna learn and I wanna grow. I wanna consume as much information as possible. I wanna be great.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“I’m trying to change the world.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“Sometimes you have to forgive and forget. Forgive them for hurting you and forget they exist.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“My mind runs I can never catch it even if I got a head start.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“When you try to convince yourself that something doesn’t bother you, it usually bothers you more.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“There was a moment in time where I was really focused on the Navy and I followed through with it – I passed the test. I was happy with myself because I was accomplishing something and I was really working towards a goal. That was the first true thing I invested my energy in.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“My life is like a speeding bullet that just hasn’t hit the target yet.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“Living life is a choice, making a difference in someone else’s isn’t.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“I’ve always been ahead of the curve when it came to trying new stuff in the underground scene.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“Have you ever noticed the saddest person has the most beautiful smile.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“When life seems hopeless, rearrange things for a dose of dopeness.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“Running from your problems is a race you’ll never win.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“My life, my choices, my mistakes, my lessons, not your business.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“Don’t let the sadness from the past and fear of the future ruin the happiness of the present.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“I’m a wizard and I know it.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“If another girl steals your man, there’s no better revenge than letting her keep him. Real men can’t be stolen.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“If you can’t do what you imagine, then what is imagination to you?” – Kid Cudi

🔷“I’m well known because I do music at a professional level, and a certain magnitude.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“They say we don’t know what we’ve got until it’s gone, but what about, we don’t know what we’ve been missing until it arrives.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“Wake up, life does get tough. No need to stress, holds you back too much.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“Once I accomplish one thing and I’m satisfied, I try something else. I may be 50 and doing something totally outside of music and acting. Maybe I’ll become a kindergarten teacher.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“In the end they’ll judge me anyway, so whatever.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“Always say how you feel because you never know if you’ll get the chance again.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“Not many people are true, fake as the lies they tell.” – Kid Cudi
People say that bad memories cause the most pain, but it’s actually the good ones that drive you insane.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“You sometimes think you want to disappear, but all you really want is to be found.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“Learn from this, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Hell does have an exit, and I found it. For those who are still looking for a way out, I left the door open and I’ll be waiting for whoever wants to grow with me.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“Control your own life. Don’t give a shit about what other people talk about FAM. Haters will shake my hand but I keep the sanitizer on deck.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“People are going to wonder why you’re trying to be different; it’s just a natural instinct. If I was to walk down the street in a kilt, then dudes would wonder why I’m doing that, they’d think I was different or gay. It’s natural for people to point fingers. That’s my whole reason for trying to switch things up; don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“Some people just don’t want to see change, but thankfully there are a lot of people more optimistic for something new in music, even with the bigger picture like with Obama getting elected.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“If I fall if I die know I lived it to the fullest, if I fall if I die know I lived and missed some bullets.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“The three things a guy should want to change about his girl is her last name, address and her viewpoint on men.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“It’s true that pain makes people change.” – Kid Cudi
The goal is timeless. Chase the moment and you lose.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“Don’t hold strong opinions about things you don’t truly understand.” – Kid Cudi

🔷“Never regret something, because at one point everything you did was exactly what you wanted to do. And sometimes that’s the hardest thing to realize.” – Kid Cudi

Latest Kid Cudi Quotes From Interviews :

🔷“I probably could have gone in depth about a lot of things, but then the album would’ve been longer. You can’t have a short album when you’re talking about suicide and cocaine. That’s not going to be a short album.”

🔷“To be considered a celebrity, there’s a certain lifestyle that comes with that.”

🔷“I’m a dude who likes to create music with good feeling. I live like a chameleon through music. It all depends on what the beat tells me to do; that’s why you’re always gonna get passionate hooks, because I’m feeling the beats and the emotion behind the drums and melodies.”

🔷“The Kid Cudi Interview by Patrick McGuire, 2009.”

🔷“I have to be ahead of myself so I don’t just fit into the realm of everybody who sounds like me.”

🔷“I don’t like to power trip, but when you’re a boss you have to fight for certain things.”

🔷“Kid Cudi Talks Wale, Reebok, Shia Labeouf & Being Bigger Than Kanye. Interview with Joe La Puma, May 22, 2009.”

🔷“I never knew the media would be so interested in my personal life.”

🔷“I’m a people person when I’m out, but I’m a homebody. I like my time and peace and quiet.”

🔷“I started doing cocaine to get through interviews, ’cause people wanted to know a lot about my personal life and I wasn’t prepared for a 60 Minutes interview every time. Doing bumps I was able to get through the day, but then I would smoke weed to calm me down – it was the only way I could get through the day without people noticing I was doing it.”

🔷“If I never am better then Kanye, in my brain, I’m always going to be trying to be, forever and ever until the day that I die.”

🔷“It’s definitely the biggest lesson – not to take things personally. But it’s also the hardest one.”

🔷“I’m an emotional creature. I make music to express that.”

🔷“Complex’s Kid Cudi Cover Story: The Uncut Interview Outtakes. Interview with Joe La Puma, August 15, 2009.”

🔷“Emotion is what hip-hop thrives on. Don’t you want your music to have emotion in it? People like to always throw some negative cloud over it. Doesn’t even make sense.”

🔷“So with the freestyles, I just do it for fun. If I hear something that I like, I’m rapping on it.”

🔷“I love Sweden. In Sweden, the women are just so hot. Their vibe is so amazing. You feel like every girl out there was genetically altered to just be hot.”

🔷“I did not see one ugly woman out there, it was just a line of continuously hot girls.”

🔷“My mom missed meals on several occasions because there was only enough food to feed all of us. My mom didn’t have a bed until I was 15 years old. She slept on a couch… I remember laying with her, like I used to sleep with my mom until I was like 12. I was a big baby; I’m a momma’s boy. But my mom is my best friend, and never let me down, ever.”

🔷“I was always the ugly duckling; I never got attention from girls.”

🔷“I’m a goofball and a comedian.”

🔷“I’m a wizard and I know it.”

🔷“My fans will tell you all day that I can rap. That’s all I need.”

🔷“In music, you collaborate with people. It’s supposed to be a mutually beneficial thing.”

🔷“Snoop [Dog] is my favorite artist of all time. He’s someone I look up to.”

🔷“If somebody feels a certain way about me and I feel like they’re misunderstanding me, I don’t need to explain myself. I just try to shy away from it and just pretend like it never happened, and try to rekindle the friendship and let him know that its not like that.”

🔷“I’m usually always thinking about the cons.”

🔷“I’m well known because I do music at a professional level, and a certain magnitude.”

🔷“I’m confident in my art.”

Kid Cudi Quotes About Emotions :

🔷”Kid Cudi: Mad Man On The Moon”. Interview with Joe La Puma, September 17, 2010.

🔷“Emotion is what hip-hop thrives on. Don’t you want your music to have emotion in it? People like to always throw some negative cloud over it. Doesn’t even make sense.”

🔷“I’ve got some issues that nobody can see and all of these emotions are pouring out of me I bring them to the light for you it’s only right”

Kid Cudi Quotes About Heart :

🔷“Girls that I dated, it’s ok I am not mad yo Unless you stabbed me in the heart, no love ho.”

🔷“Weird itself, even in the dictionary, is just something that is different and unexplainable. A weirdo is someone who follows their heart. Im definitely weird, aint nothing wrong with that.”

🔷“At the end of the day, you can’t regret it if you were trying. At the end of the day I’m walking with a heart of a lion.”

Kid Cudi Quotes About Hell :

🔷“The devil tryna rip out my soul. Lost my soul. I’ll see you in hell. I see the devil linger on, stuck in my hell.”

🔷“For even in hell, I still have faith, To one day be free with my father at the gates, But make no mistakes, I’ll show you what time takes, To be a success on earth, mixed with all the hate, I stand on my pivot, my life you could not live it For the things that I’ve seen have been too damn explicit.”

🔷“The end is never the end. A new challenge awaits. A test no man could be prepared for. A new hell he must conquer and destroy. A new level of growth he must confront himself. The machine in the ghost within. This is the journey of the man on the moon.”

🔷“Learn from this, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Hell does have an exit, and I found it. For those who are still looking for a way out, I left the door open and I’ll be waiting for whoever wants to grow with me.”

Kid Cudi Quotes About Hip Hop :

🔷“I’ve always felt that because I’m from Cleveland, which isn’t recognised as a place for hip-hop, I needed to step it up if I wanted to make myself known.”

🔷“Living life is a choice. Making a difference in someone else’s isn’t.”

🔷“My background is not typical hip-hop. I didn’t grow up in the projects. I grew up in a single family home in a middle-class suburb. That doesn’t mean I didn’t experience hardship, but to me it’s not about that, it’s about the future and where we are trying to take it.”

🔷“Dont call me a rapper, I’m an artist. Update your minds. I ‘INCORPORATE’ hip hop elements because I am part MC, but I am all things musical. All things melodically beautiful.”

🔷“Emotion is what hip-hop thrives on. Don’t you want your music to have emotion in it? People like to always throw some negative cloud over it. Doesn’t even make sense.”

Kid Cudi Quotes About Pain :

🔷“It’s the same old thing getting lost Day ‘N’ Nite young and lost in the pain.”

🔷“It’s true that the pain makes people change”

🔷“People say that bad memories cause the most pain, but it’s actually the good ones that drive you insane.”

Kid Cudi Quotes About Rap :

🔷“So with the freestyles, I just do it for fun. If I hear something that I like, I’m rapping on it.”

🔷“And if I die before I wake I pray the lord my soul to take But please don’t cry Just know that I have made these songs for you.”

🔷“My fans will tell you all day that I can rap. That’s all I need.”

🔷“Everything that shines ain’t always gonna be gold”

Kid Cudi Quotes And Lyrics About Success And Confidence :

🔷“I’m trying to change the world.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“Yeah, but if you’re not doing what everyone else is doing, then you’re going to be misunderstood. People are going to wonder why you’re trying to be different; it’s just a natural instinct.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“I’ve always been ahead of the curve when it came to trying new stuff in the underground scene.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“I just wanna learn and I wanna grow. I wanna consume as much information as possible. I wanna be great.” — Kid Cudi
Seeing people shine who deserve it is so f**kin cool.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“Striving for greatness and wanting to be the best at what you do are essential components to mastering your craft.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“I’m well known because I do music at a professional level, and a certain magnitude.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“In music, you collaborate with people. It’s supposed to be a mutually beneficial thing.” — Kid Cudi
The goal is timeless. Chase the moment, and you lose.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“I know it’s easy to imagine, But it’s easier to just do. See, if you can’t do what you imagine, then what is imagination to you?” — Kid Cudi

Uplifting Kid Cudi Quotes About Life :

🔷“My life is like a speeding bullet that just hasn’t hit the target yet.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“Living life is a choice. Making a difference in someone else’s isn’t.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“If I fall if I die know I lived it to the fullest, if I fall if I die know I lived and missed some bullets.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“I’m an emotional creature. I make music to express that.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“Not many people are true, fake as the lies they tell.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“You sometimes think you want to disappear, but all you really want is to be found.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“Wake up, life does get tough. No need to stress, holds you back too much.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“Control your own life. Don’t give a shit about what other people talk about

FAM. Haters will shake my hand but I keep the sanitizer on deck.” — Kid Cudi
🔷“When life seems hopeless, rearrange things for a dose of dopeness.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“Always say how you feel because you never know if you’ll get the chance again.” — Kid Cudi

Kid Cudi Quotes About Happiness :

🔷“I just wanna go on more adventures. Be around good energy. Connect with people. Learn new things. Grow.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“I’m on the pursuit of happiness and I know, everything that shines ain’t always gonna be gold. But I’ll be fine once I get it, I’ll be good.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“Don’t let the sadness from the past and fear of the future ruin the happiness of the present.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“Might take a while but eventually, you’ll find the ‘good’ in ‘goodbye.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“People say that bad memories cause the most pain, but it’s actually the good ones that drive you insane.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“Have you ever noticed, the saddest person has the most beautiful smile.” — Kid Cudi

Kid Cudi Quotes To Inspire And Motivate You :

🔷“The three things a guy should want to change about his girl is her last name, address and her viewpoint on men.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“I’m very close with my family, so my mom is part of my entourage.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“Sometimes you have to forgive and forget. Forgive them for hurting you and forget they exist.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“Learn from this, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Hell does have an exit, and I found it. For those who are still looking for a way out, I left the door open and I’ll be waiting for whoever wants to grow with me.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“Running from your problems is a race you’ll never win.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“I hope they understand that I really understand That they don’t understand.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“You’d commit suicide trying to read my mind” – Kid Cudi

🔷“The ones that make it complicated never get congratulated.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“Weird itself, even in the dictionary, is just something that is different and unexplainable. A weirdo is someone who follows their heart. I’m definitely weird, ain’t nothing wrong with that.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“My whole thing is just to put out positive messages in the music, give people something that can change their lives.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“I’ve always felt that because I’m from Cleveland, which isn’t recognized as a place for hip-hop, I needed to step it up if I wanted to make myself known.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“If you can’t do what you imagine, then what is imagination to you? — Kid Cudi

🔷“All my life I’ve wanted to do something major.” — Kid Cudi

🔷“I have everything I ever dreamed of in terms of stability. But I hadn’t been living that reality, because depression was f—ing me up. So this year I chose to be happy. I just woke up.” — Kid Cudi


Kid cudi’s quotes provide us with insight into his life, his struggles, and his triumphs. He has a unique perspective on life and is willing to share it with the world. His words have the power to inspire and motivate us to keep pushing forward, no matter the obstacles that we face. Kid cudi is an important figure in music and in popular culture, and his words will continue to resonate with people for years to come.

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