Hilarious Kaley Cuoco Quotes – Funniest Quotes

Kaley Cuoco is an American actress and producer best known for her role as Penny on the hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory. She is also a comedic genius and has a knack for delivering hilarious oneliners. Here are some of the funniest Kaley Cuoco quotes that will make you laugh out loud.

Hilarious kaley cuoco quotes about reddit:

◼“Amy and Howard bond over their love of Neil Diamond’s music and blow off finishing the scavenger hunt to perform his music at The Cheesecake Factory karaoke.

◼“Another user, monomocessen, quoted an excited Amy, “Put it on me! Put it on me! Put it on me! Put it on me! Put it on me!”

◼“Dalanard answered, “My favorite moves around all the time, but right now, it’s S8.E7 The Misinterpretation Agitation with Billy Bob Thornton. When he says

◼“‘they’d need the key,’ when Penny asks how they ‘unstick’ the door…I lol every time.”

◼“Finally, they admitted, “I’m still sad Sheldon is not with Martha.”

◼“Finally, they concluded, I thought b-story with the guys, and Wil Wheaton was funny. Bob Newhart was in the episode. Lastly, they pulled off the Sheldon and Amy sleeping together scenes well. Just enough awkward, sweet, and funny.”

◼“In “The Adhesive Duck Deficiency,” Penny falls in the shower, and Sheldon answers her cries for help. It ends with penny insisting that Sheldon sing “Soft Kitty” with her in a round-style song.

◼“In “The Scavenger Vortex,” Raj is disappointed that nobody attended his Mystery Dinner Party. So he plans an M.I.T.-like scavenger hunt and creates three

◼“In “The Staircase Implementation,” Leonard (Johnny Galecki) tells Penny (Kaley Cuoco) how he became Sheldon’s roommate. Also how he met Raj and Howard and what happened to the broken elevator.

◼“Redditor HatdanceCanada quoted Sheldon, “I agree. If either of us ever invents time travel, we agree our first stop will be this meeting today in precisely five seconds.”

◼“Redditor perfectplacesanyway also nominated, “Howard and Bernadette (Melissa Rauch) have to deal with baggage claim customer service because they

◼“lost Howard’s mom’s ashes.”

◼“Redditor perfectplacesanyway said, “It’s the adorable episode where Penny and Sheldon do the ‘falling in love test’ where they ask questions and then look into each other’s eyes.

◼“Redditor solipsisticcompass answered, “S9E11 The Opening Night Excitation for a couple of reasons. It was hilarious when Penny broke the wine glass.”

◼“Redditor viviViolettevivi voted, “Adhesive Ducks…always. His ’empathetic’ look in the hospital kills me…after all, he rescued a damsel in distress since the

◼“hero always looks.”

◼“They continued, “Aside from maybe being in the bathroom on Sheldon’s birthday, it’s one of their sweetest moments, in my opinion.”

◼“They continued, “The secondary story is equally good. Quotes, please!!!” Reddit user monomocessen was quick to respond.

◼“They elaborated, “The way Bernadette said, wild thang. It was also super funny when Amy yelled shut your mouth as a reaction to Bernadette telling her Sheldon is ready to be physical.”

◼“They go on,” ‘You better find my husband’s mother, ’cause one way or another, we’re walking out of this airport with a dead woman.’ And the look on the woman’s face is just the best.”

◼“This episode, of course, is when Dr. Oliver Lorvis (Thornton) decides he is in love with Penny, so he delivers her roses and locks Leonard and the guys in his game room.

Hilarious kaley cuoco quotes about Love:

◼“You know what, I’m not ashamed of anything that happened. I fall in love really hard, I do. I go deep. That person is it for me. And I love hard, and when it’s over, it’s over, and some people make mistakes. I wouldn’t call it a mistake, it just is what happened in my life, so I’m excited to see what the future holds.

◼“It happened, and now I have to say I’m happier than I’ve ever been.

◼“The final phone call that said we’re going to be picked up again was just a miracle. We’ve overcome the impossible and we’re still pushing forward. I know John is smiling and so happy that he gets to watch us on TV.

◼“Obviously, I don’t have a high IQ, but I’ve always liked nerds and quirky guys.
I love the fashion world. I love clothes. I love style.

◼“I like old-fashioned romance, when the two people sleep in separate beds but still hold hands all night. Their hands rest on a little table between the beds.

◼“I’m hoping one day to open my own shelter. I would be the person with the three-legged dog. I just love animals more than people; I really do.

◼“In my next life, I want to come back as one of my dogs. They live nicely.

◼“It’s a fine line of doing what’s good for your life and what your parents want you to do, but also following your dreams. With my parents, when I was younger, I always had to do two things. If I was acting, I always had to do a sport or something on the arts side of things, along with that. That way, if one fell apart, I always had something else to fall back on.

◼“I start the day with oatmeal with vanilla almond milk. If I don’t, I’m dying by noon and eating everything in sight. On-set, I avoid crap and pack soup and salad. I cook pork chops or turkey tacos for dinner.

◼“Horseback riding is my passion. Other than work. People can’t imagine me getting dirty, but that’s what I love about it.

◼“For me, what I really want to come out of it is to show people that I can hold together a movie, be the number one character and play someone who is twenty or twenty-one.

◼“I love all music. Right now I am loving Josh Grobin and Kelly Clarkson.

◼“You do a job; your show gets canceled. You get used to it.

◼“People tend to think they know you when u come into their tv’s every week. They think you are different than who you are. Don’t believe everything u here.

◼“I had sinus surgery the day after Christmas and it has been the worst surgery of my life. Very painful. And on top of it everyone of course thought I got a nose job. Which is so funny because if you know me I would have told you I got a nose job I’m not gonna keep it a secret.

Hilarious Kaley Cuoco Quotes About Friendship:

◼“No shirt, no shoes, no Sheldon.” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“And what kind of doctor removes shoes from asses?” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“I start the day with oatmeal with vanilla almond milk. If I don’t, I’m dying by noon and eating everything in sight. On-set, I avoid crap and pack soup and salad. I cook pork chops or turkey tacos for dinner

◼“Holy crap, on a cracker!” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“In my next life, I want to come back as one of my dogs. They live nicely

◼“James Garner is like a peaceful river through our chaos.” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“No mom, it’s the same guy I’ve been going out with for the last 2 years. He works with lasers and atomic magnets.” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“Horseback riding is my passion. Other than work. People can’t imagine me getting dirty, but that’s what I love about it

◼“I had sinus surgery the day after Christmas and it has been the worst surgery of my life. Very painful. And on top of it everyone, of course, though I got a nose job. Which is so funny because if you know me I would have told you I got a nose job I’m not gonna keep it a secret

◼“I love him but if he’s broken, let’s not get a new one.” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“I like old-fashioned romance when the two people sleep in separate beds but still hold hands all night. Their hands rest on a little table between the beds

◼“I’m a vegetarian, except for fish and steak…I love steak!” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“Isn’t this when he says ‘bazooka’ or something?” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“I love all music. Right now I am loving Josh Grobin and Kelly Clarkson.” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“It’s a fine line of doing what’s good for your life and what your parents want you to do, but also following your dreams. With my parents, when I was younger, I always had to do two things. If I was acting, I always had to do a sport or something on the art side of things, along with that. That way, if one fell apart, I always had something else to fall back on

◼“I’m hoping one day to open my own shelter. I would be the person with the three-legged dog. I just love animals more than people; I really do

◼“I love the fashion world. I love clothes. I love the style.” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“I think I caught the flu. *Throwing up* or the plague!” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“Not really a great outfit for work. Unless something opens up in the hookers and whores department.” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“Oh please, I recognize the walk of shame when I see it. All you’re missing is a little-smeared mascara and a purse with panties wadded up in it.” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“Oh, I get it, like C-3Po… What happenedto me?” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“Oh, you’re going to jibber-jabber about jibber-jabber

◼“People tend to think they know you when u come into their TV’s every week. They think you are different than who you are. Don’t believe everything u here

◼“So either one of you weirdos wanna buy my underwear?” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“We’re putting the play on for one night in this little 99-seat theater. Can you come? Oh, great! Do you know 98 other people that might want to come?” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“You do a job; your show gets canceled. You get used to it.” – Kaley Cuoco

◼“You know what, I’m not ashamed of anything that happened. I fall in love really hard, I do. I go deep. That person is it for me. And I love hard, and when it’s over, it’s over, and some people make mistakes. I wouldn’t call it a mistake, it just is what happened in my life, so I’m excited to see what the future holds.

◼“It happened, and now I have to say I’m happier than I’ve ever been

◼“You know, I remember my first bikini wax. My sister did it with duct tape and melted crayons. To this day, I can’t look at a box of crayons without crossing my legs.” – Kaley Cuoco


Kaley cuoco’s wit and humor never fails to make us laugh. Her hilarious quotes are sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face and provide a moment of joy during difficult times. We are lucky to have kaley cuoco in our lives, providing us with laughter and entertainment.

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