List Of Verbs That Start With A to Z – Useful list

A to z is a list of verbs that start with a to z. This complete a-z list helps find the correct verb to complete your sentences, long or short. Each verb contains a short definition, examples and an extra list of useful verbs at the bottom.

A list of the most common english verbs and their corresponding root word suffixes. Useful for spelling considerations in your writing, as well as identifying any grammatical errors on your part.

List of Verbs with A:

Avoid Apologize Accept
Appreciate Await Add
Aver Anoint Ascend
Approach Abbreviate Agonize
Adore Audit Avow
Awaken Administer Amble
Allude Attempt Arch
Announce Appear Abscond
Abstain Affix Assault
Abort Approve Align
Analyze Assist Adhere
Alter Anticipate Aim
Admonish Assess Amuse
Appropriate Argue Advertise
Ask Afraid Accost
Ache Abuse Appraise
Alternate Appease Acquiesce
Accentuate Assure Assert
Accommodate Allow Angle
Accompany Act Arise
Allege Aid Attach
Assail Animate Amend
Admit Ascertain Affirm
Articulate Abate Answer
Assay Alert Adapt
Attack Accede Assign
Arrest Afk Apply
Accelerate Agree Aggravate
Advance Applaud Arc
Acquire Attend Appeal
Adorn Admire Abide
Annoy Adjust Advocate
Astonish Assume Accuse
Avert Address Annotate
Advise Absorb Air
Authorize Antagonize Assent
Accent Acknowledge Achieve
Arrange Alphabetize


List of Verbs with B:

Bop Brighten Blather
Bid Bray Barge
Bask Bow Berate
Bully Bare Browse
Brag Bake Believe
Breeze Behold Belittle
Beautify Bound Butcher
Bumble Bluff Bounce
Bundle Blare Bridle
Buck Bore Brandish
Brush Brace Backtrack
Braid Burrow Boom
Burble Bolster Build
Badmouth Button Bunch
Blush Blurt Blunder
Bestow Bend Blow
Bludgeon Blink Babble
Broaden Betray Burn
Bat Bristle Bite
Bonk Brood Beat
Backhand Bribe Blaspheme
Beckon Bump Bargain
Burst Blossom Bait
Blanch Boggle Blat
Bustle Buss Broach
Blot Bind Boost
Bleat Begin Breathe
Baffle Behave Bear
Blind Broadcast Buff
Banter Beg Browbeat
Buy Belch Blubber
Break Bathe Bicker
Balance Badger Banish
Bay Burp Bob
Bust Bawl Bond
Ball Bug Boast
Blend Bury Befall
Boo Blame Bulge
Buffet Bemoan Beseech
Block Bluster Bang
Beam Barrage Buckle
Brawl Backpedal Box
Bring Boss Bleed
Buzz Bet Become
Bash Breed Barter
Bolt Bark Bless

List of Verbs with C:

Catalog Condescend Commentate
Constrain Cut Consign
Chatter Clamor Crinkle
Crack Convert Clothe
Confide Correspond Clip
Call Cower Castle
Cuddle Chitter Close
Categorize Chant Claim
Catch Crow Curtsey
Chill Convulse Confuse
Crease Continue Color
Conceal Constrict Cooperate
Conspire Comb Coo
Clamp Coerce Crackle
Cover Chastise Clap
Cleave Chomp Challenge
Commend Cry Court
Clop Condone Center
Confess Carry Count
Concentrate Cradle Curb
Charge Commune Contest
Combine Cuss Complain
Criticize Choose Crunch
Clean Croak Croon
Compete Coil Confirm
Clamber Creep Collapse
Chirr Cash Clinch
Clench Chat Contort
Claw Crouch Convince
Control Confront Converge
Caper Contend Chase
Curl Coddle Corner
Crawl Cast Climb
Confiscate Cringe Compliment
Crumple Compel Cobble
Crook Clear Corrode
Chew Cajole Collect
Coax Consecrate Canvass
Cram Cope Choke
Converse Consent Click
Contract Careen Comfort
Clash Chinch Cheer
Contribute Connect Crumble
Connote Calculate Calm
Comprehend Collide Certify
Cure Cock Counteract
Coach Check Corrupt
Compose Concenter Consult
Carol Clasp Cluck
Chuckle Cozen Conclude
Cup Cavort Chuck
Curve Console Cinch
Create Change Caw
Crane Cuff Consider
Critique Confer Comply
Concur Crowd Catcall
Crush Counsel Cite
Cause Contemplate Conserve
Contradict Cool Commence
Crash Congratulate Capture
Coordinate Caution Cherish
Chime Celebrate Classify
Cackle Cantillate Comport
Cartwheel Cheat Capitulate
Curtsy Chortle Compromise
Chaperone Curse Carve
Crop Conquer Catapult
Cling Construct Covet
Cease Chirp Condemn
Comment Confine Cleanse
Chop Compress Chip
Commit Compare Chasten
Club Clarify Care
Cue Crave Conduct
Clutch Convict Cross
Cook Command Caterwaul
Crimp Communicate Counter
Cough Convene Cosset
Cont Clang Concede
Copy Chide Convey
Conjecture Correct Consort
Clink Circle Chisel
Caress Commiserate

List of Verbs with D:

Declaim Discourage Dither
Dry Draft Differ
Drawl Discombobulate
Dim Dancesidestep Design
Deflate Defer Dab
Dote Dissolve Drill
Drool Disfavor Distort
Dodge Deliver Divulge
Dwell Dancecheek Danceswirl
Delay Dancehop Duck
Downplay Dispute Dancesweep
Decay Doze Dismiss
Dart Decline Deal
Draw Dawdle Drum
Dissemble Decree Deposit
Dine Dimple Daydream
Demur Droop Dramatise
Dazzle Dye Deduce
Detect Decorate Drop
Dishevel Dive Drink
Diagnose Dub Defend
Disappear Donate Defile
Dancejig Dandle Discriminate
Disclose Dunk Dream
Delete Disentangle Drone
Divert Disapprove Dancerhythm
Dump Deflect Disregard
Dig Doubt Drain
Dancearm Dramatize Dribble
Doff Disclaim Danceleft
Doodle Destroy Digest
Despair Distance Detach
Dance Disturb Dedicate
Determine Decipher Dally
Dip Displace Discuss
Drive Danceright Depend
Dancedip Drivel Drench
Divide Despoil Dancetwirl
Deny Dilate Disparage
Demonstrate Dash Dictate
Dare Discover Decrease
Dust Dancewhirl Deadpan
Distribute Drag Disrespect
Deem Dancelead Drape
Damage Dancefollow Disguise
Disfavour Denounce Decide
Declare Develop Devour
Doublecheck Direct Disuse
Deprive Duel Download
Deride Drip Distrust
Define Danceleap Dismount
Drift Dancewaltz Debate
Demand Dangle Dodder
Describe Delegate Danceshuffle
Die Desecrate Dabble
Dancecircle Disport Distract
Discern Disobey Deliberate
Darken Disagree Decry
Defy Discipline Differentiate
Diminish Disbelieve Display
Delve Descend Deplore
Dislodge Digress Dress
Dampen Distinguish

List of Verbs with E:

Elaborate Embellish Explore
Ease Enclose Enshroud
Etch Exploit Elbow
Echo Enthuse Extricate
Expound Emerge Exclude
Expand Elect Elevate
Envelop Exaggerate Enquire
Engulf Expose Expect
Encourage End Engage
Endanger East Elude
Exclaim Exult Exhort
Evade Engrave Endorse
Entreat Encase Extend
Encounter Employ Experience
Entangle Enjoy Erase
Enforce Explain Emboss
Elucidate Enlighten Empower
Enunciate Entertain Evaluate
Equivocate Express Exosculate
Establish Extract Embroider
Exhibit Escort Encroach
Effuse Ensnare Empathize
Emulate Empty Endure
Embrace Extrapolate Exits
Espy Envy Entice
Envision Enter Extinguish
Exhale Eye Excavate
Entwine Examine Empathise
Eat Eyeball Evoke
Edge Encircle Excuse
Encompass Emphasize Estimate
Enlarge Energize Escape
Exchange Emphasise Evaporate
Enfold Exist Enumerate
Enhance Eavesdrop Educate

List of Verbs with F:

Forgive Flourish Feel
Forewarn Feint Flop
Flip Fence Frighten
Freeze Fiddle Flutter
Froth Forsake Faint
Foam Feed Flail
Fulfil Flare Flout
Flow Fold Fit
Fondle Forge Frisk
Fidget Fasten Freemorph
Furrow Fill Forgewrite
Fantasize Fumble Favour
Flute Fluff Familiarise
Fret Forget Fuss
Forgeerase Flank Favor
Fortify File Fabricate
Flinch Frown Falter
Fish Fib Forgeaddress
Flounder Forbid Find
Fan Flap Finger
Furl Flee Fail
Fall Float Form
Ferry Free Flub
Fawn Frolic Frame
Fling Fry Found
Fly Finalize Flex
Flash Flounce Fix
Flush Forecast Face
Fear Flick Feign
Fancy Flatten Finish
Flatter Forumulate Fetch
Fight Foretell Force
Familiarize Fend Flirt
Flaunt Flit Focus
Follow Fume Fake

List of Verbs with G:

Gnash Greet Groan
Guarantee Gnaw Gloat
Grate Gambol Gawk
Gyrate Gripe Gaze
Get Graze Glare
Grab Gallivant Growl
Gobble Guffaw Glow
Guide Grumble Grieve
Guzzle Grow Gallop
Govern Gush Goose
Groom Gauge Grade
Grunt Gamble Gather
Gibber Gouge Glide
Glower Gravitate Glance
Gash Grasp Gossip
Grin Grant Ground
Grapple Giggle Generalize
Glimpse Gabble Goggle
Give Grill Grit
Grind Gulp Gesture
Gag Guess Gargle
Gesticulate Gurgle Guard
Go Grip Grouch
Gasp Gape Grump
Grimace Grope Genuflect
Goad Grovel

List of Verbs with H:

Horrify Honk Help
Hoard Hunch Hobble
Haggle Hallucinate Handle
Hiccup Health Humour
Hate Hark Harvest
Hem Hoist Hassle
Harass Hurtle Holler
Hook Hog Hit
Hint Hunt Hope
Harmonize Huddle Hustle
Hush Hang Heft
Harden Hail Hasten
Haul Hinder Hearten
Hoot Heal Hound
Harm Hedge Hack
Hover Hew Head-butt
Howl Hop Hatch
Huff Hammer Heckle
Halt Hug Hurry
Harry Hand Hiss
Hum Hypnotize Hold
Humiliate Heave Herald
Hesitate Hurt Hector
Hone Heat Hide
Hear Hike Humor
Heed Hurrah Hurl
Hitch Head

List of Verbs with I:

Ingest Illustrate Intone
Intervene Infect Inscribe
Inflate Inquire Interlock
Iterate Investigate Impede
Interrogate Invite Ink
Inflame Instruct Impair
Imprison Incriminate Introduce
Interview Imagine Indent
Interfere Induce Imply
Idolize Ignore Identify
Injure Implant Indulge
Interrupt Immerse Idealize
Improvise Inspect Invert
Impart Imitate Intercept
Intertwine Illuminate Instigate
Influence Interlace Inaugurate
Insult Insert Include
Initiate Inflect Irritate
Inventory Inform Impale
Indicate Invent Inject
Interact Impose Idea
Increase Insist Infest
Import Implore Interpret
Immolate Infer Impress
Interject Insinuate Inspire
Improve Install Inhale
Infuse Imbibe Invoke
Inch Ignite Imprint

List of Verbs with J:


List of Verbs with K:


List of Verbs with L:

Leaf Leaf Lend
Listen Listen Lament
Loll Loll Lead
Latch Latch Live
Load Load Land
Loiter Loiter Lie
Launch Launch Lug
Loom Loom Locate
Lock Lock Level
Lavish Lavish Laud
Light Light Log
Lower Lower Lob
Love Love Lean
Leave Leave Lengthen
Let Let Lilt
Lighten Lighten Label
Laugh Laugh Loaf
Loosen Loosen Lose
Lurch Lurch Lisp
Loop Loop Look
Lick Lick Lecture
Like Like Lounge
Lend Lure Limp
Lumber Linger Lash
Long Lace Languish
Lurk Leer Lope
List Lull Lather
Lap Leap Lay
License Lift Lunge

List of Verbs with M:

Mutter Meditate Model
Murmur Meander Misunderstand
Multiply Matter Mispronounce
Mow Mask Misdirect
Mount Market Mince
Mosey Manufacture Migrate
Moor Mangle Meow
Mollify Make Menace
Modify Muse Meep
Mix Mumble Measure
Miss Muffle Maul
Mishear Mourn Massage
Mind Motion Marry
Milk Mope Map
Mesh Mollycoddle Manhandle
Mend Moisten Man
Meet Moan Muss
Meddle Misspell Munch
Maunder Misjudge Mug
Match Mine Mouth
Marvel Mime Motivate
March Mew More
Manipulate Mention Monitor
Manage Melt Mold
Mutilate Mediate Mock
Murder Mean Mistake
Mull Mate Mislead
Move Mash Mingle
Mould Mark Mimic
Morph Manoeuvre Mewl
Moo Maneuver Mentor
Molest Maintain Memorize

List of Verbs with N:

Nominate Navigate Nibble
Narrate Nurse Nod
Notify Neigh Nag
Note Negotiate Nick
Nail Number Never
Neaten Nestle Nap
Name Notice Nuzzle
Need Neglect Narrow
Nicker Notch Nip
Nudge Nest Normalize

List of Verbs with O:

Overdraw Obtain Opine
Originate Overpower Orient
Offend Ooc Orate
Own Overbear Obey
Opt Outline Object
Oppugn Outmanoeuvre Overbalance
Organize Owe Offer
Overcome Operate Ogle
Ornament Ooze Osculate
Outwit Organise Obsess
Overtake Overthrow Open
Outmaneuver Overflow Officiate
Overlook Overdo Occur
Observe Occupy Oppose
Overturn Order Overhear
Outdo Overcompensate Oblige

List of Verbs with P:

Pinpoint Philosophise Philosophize
Process Proofread Patrol
Plow Pierce Pedal
Plod Plug Publicize
Preserve Pack Peck
Polish Pop Peer
Plump Pronounce Pitch
Propose Prong Peel
Pull Putter Pluck
Puncture Plant Prophesy
Pamper Pry Profess
Prove Panic Pound
Pat Persuade Play
Prance Pester Prostrate
Peek Peruse Prognosticate
Pet Punch Patch
Pace Propel Plunge
Prowl Pivot Ponder
Proceed Parry Promenade
Proposition Provide Possess
Purse Plan Pout
Promise Placate Pine
Point Print Parrot
Part Perch Prod
Progress Paint Plait
Place Phone Pioneer
Produce Perspire Protest
Palpate Pour Prohibit
Photograph Pray Probe
Prophesize Pale Primp
Prattle Pick Procrastinate
Pipe Permit Pinch
Pilot Pant Pore
Palm Prevaricate Pity
Prepare Poke Paddle
Prescribe Pump Palaver
Pressure Preach Purr
Pardon Promote Pummel
Preen Pucker Prevent
Pursue Pile Prompt
Proffer Peep Presume
Purchase Pass Project
Procure Predict Present
Persist Pin Patronize
Perk Pounce Position
Prick Prop Pause
Practice Perceive Put
Puff Paraphrase Practise
Paw Postulate Praise
Plonk Precede Plop
Park Pad Pretend
Pledge Picture Prise
Pay Provoke Please
Parade Pose Participate
Plead Push Perfect
Perform Punish Post
Pontificate Press Prefer
Plot Proclaim Pelt

List of Verbs with Q:

Question Quirk Quicken
Quaff Quake Quaver
Quibble Quote Quail
Quiet Quip Quiz
Qualify Queue Quarrel
Quiver Query Quack

List of Verbs with R:

Run Remind Riffle
Reconsider Recall Resent
Repulse Ransack Ride
Rule Respect Rap
Regard Reckon Ring
Rumble Regain Reposition
Rhyme Recruit Review
Repair Romp Realize
Ridicule Realise Ramble
Re-evaluate Rhapsodize Rebuff
Relay Relax Reacquaint
Resolve Recommend Reject
Refer Rally Relent
Rise Rid Rumormonger
Rock Rehabilitate Retract
Rotate Risk Reclaim
Rifle Receive Riddle
Retreat Regale Reassess
Rob Reminisce Ravage
Reinforce Roam Remove
Readall Reach Request
Revel Radiate Rush
Rummage Remark Reproach
Recap Rationalize Reveal
Represent Recoil Recognize
Record Read Resume
Rake Retaliate Recite
Rustle Rephrase Remember
Relish Rave Revise
Riposte Retch Revoke
Regret Recognise Retrieve
Rescue Reprimand Respond
Retort Rant Ruin
Reason Reside Research
Reflect Round Refill
Ready Rank Rescind
Reference Ratify Reel
Rest Rearrange Rub
Redden Reattach Rebuke
Reward Rage Reorganize
Return Realign Retire
Recover Relate Remonstrate
Revere Ruffle Redirect
Rely Repent Reply
Rationalise Rasp Reiterate
Restate Race Reproduce
Retell Roast Reassert
Reconcile Resist Revert
Reign Reduce Rinse
Replace Rain Reverse
Reword Rip Recount
Rot Refuse Recline
React Repudiate Ram
Roar Reciprocate Rate
Restructure Refute Rediscover
Roll Resign Raise
Release Reaffirm Rattle
Rejoice Repeat Ruminate
Repack Refine Recuperate
Refrain Repel Refocus
Rend Reassure Restrain
Render Reintroduce Remain
Regulate Readjust Repress
Recollect Report Rouse

List of Verbs with S:

Shoot Smile Sentence
Scoop Stroke Shovel
Sneer Spot Sew
Stain Ski Screw
Suppose Structure Shatter
Stab Scale Snooze
Stretch Scrape Snub
Streak Snuffle Swerve
Squawk Salute Straddle
Suffer Scatter Suspend
Sweat Smudge Slather
Supervise Sound Size
Stay Shriek Smother
Stash Skim Struggle
Stink Stutter Supply
Surge Sniffle Stride
Style Saw Squish
Swat Swing Spin
Submerse Simmer Summarise
Separate Submit Smoke
Suggest Square Sever
Spur Surrender Snort
Shop Secure Sack
Sparkle Stoop Shear
Shower Strum Shock
Splinter Splash Stockpile
Smack Scheme Spit
Susurrate Smear Seep
Stuff Savage Shoo
Stow Stabilize Stiffen
Streamline Strengthen Speak
Squall Submerge Sniff
Speculate Strain Subtract
Score Systemize Shave
Stand Swoon Slosh
Study Smooch Satisfy
Shut Sneeze Smash
Snip Span Signal
Slink Slice Sift
Savour Scurry Sort
Specify Subdue Showcase
Say Spray Sashay
Save Subside Slash
Snicker Station State
Sprinkle Shush Satirize
Steer Surround Sail
Snap Squeal Sunder
Skid Scowl Storypoint
Saunter Scorch Swell
Strip Slither Savor
Spurn Socialise Sin
Sigh Smooth Suck
Slumber Sublet Sleep
Spike Spare Smolder
Sympathise Stipulate Steal
Skulk Sidestep Slump
Slide Snuff Smell
Snitch Splay Smite
Scrub Surprise Steeple
Stare Swivel Shift
Sputter Seek Symbolize
Snarl Strive Sting
Stock Stimulate Suit
Stir Shrink Splutter
Spill Squat Social
Shelter Smush Stack
Slap Slurp Sketch
Simper Squeeze Stroll
Sow Scoot Scrawl
Snipe Snore Scribe
Service See Spoil
Shred Sulk Shudder
Slow Swagger Screech
Slit Silence School
Soothsay Seethe Slur
Simplify Stifle Sprout
Seem Spread Sneak
Squirm Scuttle Shrug
Stoke Slander Spite
Shamble Salivate Surmise
Spend Shuffle Sit
Startle Scold Strap
Shoulder Swipe Sway
Stagger Slay Storm
Snigger Succeed Sense
Switch Step Stop
Serve Swirl Shed
Soothe Shiver Shout
Scrutinize Survey Speed
Sell Support Scour
Strike Stumble Swim
Supplement Swallow Skip
Squash Scrutinise Squirt
Shove Seal Sink
Spring Slip Sheathe
Summarize Saturate Stray
Split Settle Snow
Stamp Sweep Sprawl
Stammer Start Snatch
Sling Stump Snake
Straighten Squint Seend
Smirk Swab Section
Sympathize Stomp Stitch
Scoff String Shade
Swill Somersault Sprint
Shield Skewer Strut
Scuff Seam Scan
Swish Spark Scamper
Smoulder Snivel Shine
Shirk Soak Scream
Sharpen Stress Scratch
Spasm Share Scrunch
Shape Steady Skitter
Scribble Solve Stall
Scare Soften Sidle
Spank Store Stick
Socialize Slouch Strangle
Sign Serenade Stalk
Salvage Seize Succumb
Sob Still Sip
Set Swear Search
Sober Spy Scorn
Slam Spell Show
Suspect Slick Squeak
Shorten Select Sough
Slobber Sing Shake
Schedule Scramble
Summon Snuggle

List of Verbs with T:

Twirl Twitch Tilt
Thread Thrust Tremble
Twine Touch Time
Type Tolerate Tumble
Thwap Tune Thwack
Tramp Test Tinkle
Tidy Transcribe Titter
Tighten Tiptoe Tell
Trot Tackle Trundle
Thumb Tire Treasure
Toil Trip Thrash
Tabulate Trail Think
Toddle Trample Tie
Talk Toughen Trivialize
Triumph Thaw Tend
Tap Trim Threaten
Tantalize Theorise Traipse
Theorize Transport Taunt
Tense Tick Troubleshoot
Transform Trill Transfer
Teach Trudge Tangle
Thrive Tweak Traverse
Trace Tread Take
Turn Toot Translate
Toss Temper Twist
Topple Tally Tempt
Tingle Totter Tailor
Twitter Taste Tisk
Trounce Telephone Trumpet
Tickle Tutor Throttle
Tip Track Toast
Throw Tour Toy
Twiddle Task Transmit
Thunder Tousle Trick
Teeter Testify Tinker
Twinkle Tame Try
Tower Tow Terrify
Toe Tuck Thank
Treat Trade Tweeze
Trust Trap Tattle
Tattoo Trouble Tear
Train Tug Thump
Tote Tred Target
Travel Tease

List of Verbs with U:

Usher Unlace Unify
Unite Undertake Utter
Update Unwind Unpin
Utilize Undress Unfasten
Untwist Uncover Untwine
Undo Unpack Unbraid
Unbind Unclasp Uncurl
Unwrap Unroll Unclench
Understand Unfold Unhook
Unravel Unmake Uncoil
Unhand Undulate Uncross
Unbuckle Unfurl Untie
Unlock Unveil Upset
Understate Unknot Untuck
Undergo Unmask Unwear
Uphold Urge Unbutton
Unbend Unfocus Unleash
Untangle Ululate Unwield
Use Upgrade

List of Verbs with V:

Visit View Vent
Volley Vouch Vex
Vanish Venture Vomit
Visualize Verify Vow
Vibrate Vocalise Volunteer
Veer Vocalize Vituperate
Vociferate Validate Visualise
Vote Vault Verbalize

List of Verbs with W:

Whisper Waltz Win
Writhe Wind Waft
Whirl Whistle Wring
Wriggle Worry Wade
Welcome Warp Wield
Whinny Withdraw Wince
Wink Wonder Whittle
Wail Warn Wheeze
Wrench Warm Widen
Wake Wedge Waver
Whip Waste Worship
Waddle Water Wed
Withstand Whimper Wreck
Wear Walk Wheedle
Wend Want Wrangle
Wrack Wait Wallop
Wish Work Woo
Wander Weave Wobble
Wrestle Weigh Whine
Write Wet Whack
Warble Wiggle Wrest
Who Wallow Waggle
Wash Watch Wager
Whoop Witness Windmill
Withhold Wipe Whisk
Weep Whet Wilt
Wrap Whoami Wrinkle
Wave Wag


List of Verbs with X:


List of Verbs with Y:

Yean Yandy Yeuk
Yell Yeast Yap
Yoke Yarn-dye Yarm
Yawp Yowl Yellow
Yo-yo Yard Yux
Yaw Youl Yen
Yarn Yodel Yeve
Yuk Yead Yammer
Yield Yawn Yerk
Yack Yearn Yend
Yip Yabber Yaup
Yacht Yark Yawl
Yank Yock Yak

List of Verbs with Z:

Zest Zuluize Zither
Zotz Zariba Zone
Zipper Zincify Zouk
Zionify Zombify Zoutch
Zero Zot Zizzle
Zipline Zeroize Zigzag
Zhoosh Zerg Zoologize
Zany Zionize Zing
Zhng Zhuzh Zizz
Zorb Zip Zinc
Zeolitize Zoomorphize Zig
Zeriba Zonk Zap
Zirconiate Zoom Zolaize


This list of verbs that start with a to z offers an extensive overview of the most common english verb forms. This includes lists of regular, progressive and past tense, as well as verb tenses you may be interested in learning more about.



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