Harvey Specter Quotes – Rules For Success

Harvey specter quotes. Harvey specter, one of the most brilliant lawyers in the fictional world of suits. Harvey specter is known for his quick wit and clever quotes that have made him an iconic character in the show. Here, you will find some of his most inspiring and thought-provoking quotes

Best Harvey Specter Quotes

☸  “Unless you’re looking to make me breakfast tomorrow, I think we’re done.”

☸  “There’s something wrong with your character if opportunity controls your loyalty.”

☸  “Sometimes good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay.”

☸  “I don’t play the odds, I play the man.”

☸  “You don’t send a puppy to clean up its own mess.”

☸  “If they think you care, they’ll walk all over you.”

☸  “You always have a choice.”

☸  “People respond to how we’re dressed, so like it or not this is what you have to do.”

☸   “According to me’ is the only ‘according to’ that matters.”

☸   “I’m not here for your absolution, I’m here for your redemption.”

☸   “If you keep talking, I’m gonna start billing you, and my time runs a thousand dollars an hour.”

Inspirational Harvey Specter Quotes

☸  “Every day is a hustle! Do I get tired? Yes. Do I give up? No.”

☸  “Win a no win situation by rewriting the rules.”

☸  “You want to change your life? Change the way you think.”

☸  “It’s what you do in the dark that puts you in light.”

☸  “I’m not about caring, I’m about winning.”

☸  “Life has two rules:1 never quit 2 always remember rule no 1.”

☸  “I don’t take meetings, I set them…and my respect is not demanded it is earned.”

☸  “You know who cries the hardest in the Miss America pageant? The winner. Because she knows she can’t win again and winners always want to.”

☸  “You were meant to.”

☸  “Kill them with success. Bury them with a smile.”

☸  “I like to smile at people who don’t like me.”

☸  “Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.”

☸  “It’s going to happen, because I am going to make it happen.”

☸  “Have goals so big you get uncomfortable telling small minded people.”

☸  “Winners don’t make excuses when the other side plays the game.”

Interesting Harvey Specter Quotes

☸  “The success of your client is a success of yours.”

☸  “The law is the law, the truth is subjective.”

☸  “I think caring is a weak characteristic. To not care is to be free of caring, to be indifferent, and in that state nothing holds power over you. In my opinion you shouldn’t care, but you shall still be kind and give to others.”

☸  “No one wins if we go to war.”

☸  “Never destroy anyone in public when you can accomplish the same result in private.”

☸  “If I don’t go pro, I can’t play against the best. And if I can’t play against the best, I can’t be the best.”

☸  “Ever loved someone so much, you would do anything for them? Yeah, well make that someone yourself and do whatever the hell you want.”

☸  “I’m against having emotions, not against using them.”

☸  “Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back.”

☸  “I’m not interested in great, I want to know who its Daddy is.”

☸  “I refuse to answer that on the grounds that I don’t want to.”

☸  “Loyalty is a two-way street. If I’m asking for it from you, then you’re getting it from me.”

Cool And Funny Quotes

☸  “I get it. You got the idea from Working Girl, when they crash the wedding to get to Trask Radio.”

☸  “Or besmirching the good name of The Spinners.”

☸  “I can’t delay the sale if I don’t know why my client is dumping his company on a whim.”

☸  “Oh, you want an easy life? I hear McDonalds is hiring.”

☸  “No kicking. No biting. No rabbit punches.”

☸  “Are you saying that I’m the fat guy? ‘Cause I’m not the fat guy.”

☸  “You’re wearing a tux; they’re not gonna know who you are.”

☸  “Would you like me to thank your face with my fist?”

☸  “Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.”

☸  “I don’t pave the way for people, people pave the way for me.”

☸  “No, I’m not. You said I’m the thorn in his side, and I tried to take it out. But you’re the one who’s had what he wants all these years and didn’t give it to him.”

☸  “I knew he wasn’t a lawyer, I didn’t know he was an idiot.”

☸  “Where could you have to go? You’re unemployed.”

☸  “I’m not gonna fire you, Donna. I might kill you, but I’m not gonna fire you.”

Motivational Quotes

☸  “It’s not a problem if you always win.”

☸  “If you kinda sorta try, then you kinda sorta fail.”

☸  “First impressions last. You start behind the eight ball, you’ll never get in front.”

☸  “Do what you have to do.”

☸  “When someone treats you like they don’t care. Believe them. Don’t waste your time on it.”

☸  “Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself.”

☸  “97% of people who gave up are employed by the 3% who never gave up.”

☸  “I’m working on myself, for myself, by myself.”

☸  “Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.”

☸  “Focus on making yourself better. Not on thinking that you are better.”

☸  “Let them hate. Just make sure they spell your name right.”

☸  “You’re never going to win big if you’re only going to minimise your losses.”

Quotes About Success

☸  “When achieving your goal is more important than partying, welcome to the 1%.”

☸  “It’s not bragging if it’s true.”

☸  “I win. That’s what I do.”

☸  “Anyone can do my job but no one can be me.”

☸  “You don’t have to have it all figured out before you move forward. Just take the first step.”

☸  “I don’t have dreams, I have goals.”

☸  “The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.”

☸  “That’s the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big.”

☸  “I don’t get lucky. I make my own luck.”

☸  “When people you don’t even know hate you, that’s when you know you’re the best.”

Popular Harvey Specter Quotes

☸  “But then I wouldn’t feel like James Bond.”

☸  “I shot you in the knees, so he wouldn’t shoot you in the face. You’re welcome.”

☸  “Take the drama down a notch, Juliet.”

☸  “Don’t let the photo fool you. She’s less girl next door, more Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.”

☸  “Next time you ought to make a life-altering decision, just question yourself ‘What would Harvey do?’”

☸   “I am exception.”

☸  “Depends of the people you care for. Besides, I rest peacefully knowing that having cared for somebody might have helped that person. Even if I’m being walked over. That’s the risk I’m willing to take. Often believing in the goodness of one helps to avoid that. You get what you wish for.”

☸  “Pick a card in your mind. Any card.”

☸  “We’ve been crossing lines long before we even ever met.”

☸  “Something told me you’d need it, and by something, I mean common sense. And by need it, I mean you’re an idiot.”

☸  “There’s gonna come a day, Louis, when I need something from you. And when I do, you’re gonna remember that I let this pass. Daniel Hardman is not the answer. You owe me.”

☸  “That’s funny, but you might want to whip that grin off your face.”

☸  “I’ve always heard about this place. Which room is Hoffa buried in?”

☸  “If you send our men to hospital we send yours to the morgue, that’s the Chicago way.”

☸  “Stormtroopers don’t write checks.”

Famous Harvey Specter Quotes

☸  “It could mean I’m going to offer him a trip to Disneyland.”

☸  “I wouldn’t move your things into Wayne Manor just yet.”

☸  “Hey, I love Louis, and I don’t care what you say. I am not leaving my wingman. See, that’s funny, ‘coz that’s from Top Gun.”

☸  “What are your choices when someone puts a gun to your head?

☸  “Life is this, I like this.”

☸  “Don’t waste your time on explanations. People only hear what they want to hear.”

☸  “I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong.”

☸  “Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.”

☸  “A lot of people die in that. It seems appropriate.”

☸  “Are you telling me that if I throw you under the bus, you’re gonna drag me with you?

☸  “That’s exactly what I thought of myself when I came up with the idea.”

☸  “When you are backed against the wall, break the goddamn thing down.”

Harvey specter quotes are clever and often humorous, but they also convey a deep wisdom that can be applied to various aspects of life. Harvey’s quotes remind us to stay focused on our goals, to be honest with ourselves, and to strive for success while maintaining our integrity.

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