T.D Jakes Quotes – Find Strength And Courage

Collection of t.D jakes quotes will help you find motivation and courage to overcome the obstacles that life throws your way. T.D jakes is an american pastor, author, and life coach. He is the founder and senior pastor of the potter’s house, a non-denominational american megachurch.

He is known for his empowering and inspirational quotes that offer comfort and guidance in times of struggle. His words of wisdom provide insight, empowerment, and hope to those facing some of life’s most difficult challenges.

Insightful Quotes By T.D Jakes That Will Ignite Your Heart And Soul:

🟒”A lot of can’t deal with life because they lack the patience to become who they want to be…. Everything happens by process. If you don’t go through the process to get it, you don’t have the power to keep it.”

🟒”A setback is a setup for a comeback.”

🟒”A whole woman will always attract a whole man. And when they touch, they will fuse to create a whole marriage. Ultimately, when the time is right, they will produce whole children.”

🟒”And another thing is that I think as a church whenever we become politically driven, we alienate at least 50 percent of the people that God called us to reach with our political orientations.”

🟒”Arrogance always destroys opportunity.”

🟒”As a Christian, Christ died so that we will have eternal life in Him in Heaven. What it looks like doesn’t matter, what it smells like doesn’t matter, as long as Christ is there it will be Heaven to me.”

🟒”As much as it pleases God to bless you, there will be moments when everything you try goes up in smoke. There will be moments when the one you counted on most walks away and leaves you groping through blinding tears and wailing questions of why. Plans and goals can be circumvented by the most disappointing of times, leaving you learning the art of patience and the acceptance of a denied request.”

🟒”As we forge deeper into this issue of forgiveness, we must be prepared to open up and discuss things that bother us before they escalate to a crisis level. We must examine our struggles with forgiveness in which there are not overt offenses or blatant betrayals. I’m convinced that seeds of resentment take root in the silent frustrations that never get discussed. Other people cannot read our minds–or our palms!–and that is why we have tongues to speak.”

🟒”Being angry is human. Staying angry is foolish.”

🟒”Big ideas come from forward thinking people who challenge the norm, think outside the box, and invent the world they see inside rather than submitting to the limitations of current dilemmas.”

🟒”But I think my mistakes became the chemistry for my miracles. I think that my tests became my testimonies.”

🟒”Children are not unforgiving. You can punish them and they will hug you in a few minutes.”

🟒”Come hell or high water you will never take me back to the place I was before. I have been through too much to let life whoop me again. My faith is stronger than it’s ever been, my mind is more tenacious than it’s ever been, my soul is more absolute.”

🟒”Don’t allow your past or present condition to control you. It’s just a process that you’re going through to get you to the next level.”

🟒”Don’t come into the presence of God to impress Him with something He gave you!”

🟒”Eagles fly where lesser birds cannot fly, so eagles can do what lesser birds cannot do.”

🟒”Excellence requires discomfort.”

🟒”Face the giants in your life, slay them, and move on. Do not be daunted by the mistakes and failures in your life.”

🟒”Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself.”

🟒”Forgiveness is about empowering yourself, rather than empowering your past.”

🟒”God gives you the resources for success. But it is up to you to recognize them and use them to their fullest.”

🟒”God has invested entirely too much in you for you to be comfortable in anything less than you were created to be.”

🟒”God is a businessman. He is not going to do business with someone who shows no sign of potential return. He invests in people who demonstrate an ability to handle what He has given them.”

🟒”God is not preparing the Blessing for YOU, He is preparing YOU for the Blessing.”

🟒”God will give you anything as long as you understand that he is the primary and not the secondary.”

🟒”God’s grace and mercy have brought you through. Quit acting as if you made it on your own.”

🟒”God’s not going to promote you because you have a dream, He’s going to promote you because you’ve maximized where you are so now you’re ready to go to the next level.”

🟒”Here is the amazing thing about Easter; the Resurrection Sunday for Christians is this, that Christ in the dying moments on the cross gives us the greatest illustration of forgiveness possible.”

🟒”I actually grew up playing the piano in the church and was deeply involved in music ministry.”

🟒”I believe it is our attitude that determines our altitude. It is our attitude that allows us to soar above those things that would otherwise overcome us.”

🟒”I chose to present myself as one who comes from among the people, and I can be touched by their pain because I have my own.”

🟒”I don’t dislike anybody. I love everybody.”

🟒”I don’t think that you can let the storms of life overwhelm you. When you do that, you are no better than the craziness that caused you to be under attack.”

🟒”I found out that the things that hurt us the most can become the fuel and the catalyst that propel us toward our destiny. It will either make you bitter or it will make you better.”

🟒”I have certain standards for myself so if something drops beneath that standard or if the opportunity doesn’t fit who I am authentically at my core – I don’t invest time where my brand isn’t respected or where what I have to offer isn’t appreciated.”

🟒”I like to see myself as a bridge builder, that is me building bridges between people, between races, between cultures, between politics, trying to find common ground.”

🟒”I raised five children. They all have different personalities. All of them have different issues, different levels of success. That was a learning experience for me.”

🟒”I think it is important that we rebuild an atmosphere of forgiveness and civility in every aspect of our lives.”

🟒”I think most people who get into their 50s reassess what made sense and what didn’t make sense.”

🟒”I think that my preaching style and many of my ideas and ideals about faith are based in both Pentecostal and Baptist background.”

🟒”I think the amazing thing about gospel music is that not only does it lift up the death and resurrection of our Lord, which is consistent with the Gospel, but it is uniquely communicated depending upon the generation.”

🟒”I think the first step is to understand that forgiveness does not exonerate the perpetrator. Forgiveness liberates the victim. It’s a gift you give yourself.”

🟒”I want to congratulate all the men out there who are working diligently to be good fathers whether they are stepfathers, or biological fathers or just spiritual fathers.”

🟒”I was raised in the Baptist church… but I didn’t really have a real committed experience with Christ until my father died.”

🟒”I wasn’t trying to be rich or famous; I was trying to figure out what is this thing in me that won’t let me sleep that makes me restless and makes me keep pushing. I was trying to discover who I was.”

🟒”I’m for people bettering themselves, no matter who they are and where they are, doing all they can to be all they can be.”

🟒”I’m not particularly political. I’m not particularly denominational. I’m not worried about any of that.”

🟒”I’m not walking by sight- I’m, walking by faith.”

🟒”If only we could realize that our purpose is to be caretakers. We are responsible for leading our flock to the place where the grass is green, but it is up to them to eat! We cannot be responsible for how much they digest. We cannot make people mature.”

🟒”If you already understand your purpose, are you prepared to change your plans to match God’s will? If you aren’t, you can easily become bitter because things that used to work for you may no longer work. Be willing to transition at every stage and age of life. If your heart is open and you have an open mind, the blessings will flow.”

🟒”If you can disappoint yourself as much as you love yourself and you still manage to disappoint yourself then why are you shocked when other people that you love disappoint you.”

🟒”If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”

🟒”If you don’t find a way to love a flawed person, secretly you’re teaching yourself that you are not lovable because of your flaws.”

🟒”If you dont like the way your life is going, redesign it. Redeem the years you lost. Restore your vision, revive your passion for living, and reclaim what was dormant inside of you. I cannot give you the dream but I can give you the tools to reach the dreams you have inside.”

🟒”If you have achieved any level of success, then pour it into someone else. Success is not success without a successor.”

🟒”If you have the FAITH to believe it, you have the POWER to conceive it!”

🟒”If you learn how to forgive others for not being strong, then people can learn how to forgive you for your own issues.”

🟒”If you think down, you will go down. If you think up, you will go up. You’ll always travel in the direction of your thinking.”

🟒”Isn’t it funny how something that will later be a blessing can be a curse if you get it too soon.”

🟒”It does matter where you go to church, it does matter where you worship, it does matter where you lift your head, it does matter where you cry out to God. There is something about the atmosphere. I might be lame, but put me in the atmosphere. I may be drunk, but put me in the atmosphere. I may be weak, but put me in the atmosphere.”

🟒”It is important to remember that for every person, there will be a problem. Even more importantly, for every problem, our God has a prescription!”

🟒”It is your passion that empowers you to be able to do that thing you were created to do.”

🟒”Know when your space is too small for you…and you have to birthed to the next level!”

🟒”Life’s a university that’ll teach you lessons, regardless of your desire to pass the β€œclass” or not, there is always something else to learn.”

🟒”Many of us harbor hidden low self-esteem. We deem everything and everyone more important that ourselves and think that meeting their needs is more important than meeting our own. But if you run out of gas, everyone riding with you will be left stranded.”

🟒”May the passion to be all that God wants you to be sweep across your soul like a gentle breeze.”

🟒”Much like the removal of moles and skin lesions is done to prevent them from growing into more serious skin abnormalities, removing minor discord before it becomes a calamity is an important use of our time. Most people don’t like to make waves and they swallow frustration and bury true feelings, not wanting to compromise temporary tranquility, never realizing that massive turmoil doesn’t start out massiveβ€”it grows beneath the skin like a cancer that could have been avoided with early detection.”

🟒”My first church had seven members in it, and I have to remember, the rent was $225 a month and I worked for Union Carbide and took the check I made from work to pay for the rent to keep the church open.”

🟒”Never make a permanent decision about a temporary situation.”

🟒”No matter where you are in life right now, know this: God put you on this earth to fulfill the promise He has predestined for your life.”

🟒”No woman wants to be in submission to a man who isn’t in submission to God!”

🟒”Nobody wants somebody who wants them for what they have or the position their in- you want somebody who wants you for you. In case it all goes crazy and it all turns to dust. I want somebody who loves me in the welfare line, eating gumbo, eating fish,black eyed peas and rice. I want somebody that loves me. God wants you to love him, not his cars, not his house, not his blessing- love him.”

🟒”Not everyone will be happy when you begin to better yourself. Those who are for you will not just celebrate in your triumphs, but they will also pray with you through your tribulations.”

🟒”One of the things about my ministry is that I have never branded myself as being above the people or superior to people.”

🟒”Real value isn’t in what you own, drive, wear or live. The greater value is found in love and life, health and strength, friends and family!”

🟒”Resist your fear; fear will never lead to you a positive end. Go for your faith and what you believe.”

🟒”So though there are many things I would have done differently, I submit to God’s sovereignty and His purpose in my life and I thank Him that He brought me the way He brought me and gave me what He gave me when He thought I could handle it.”

🟒”Some of the best people with whom you can have a relationship are the people who challenge your thinking.”

🟒”Somebody is n the hospital begging God for the opportunity u have right now. Step into your moment.”

🟒”Sometimes what makes us insecure and vulnerable becomes the fuel we need to be overachievers. The antidote for a snakebite is made from the poison, and the thing that made you go backward is the same force that will push you forward.”

🟒”Stop watering things that were never meant to grow in your life. Water what works, what’s good, what’s right. Stop playing around with those dead bones and stuff you can’t fix, its over…leave it alone! You’re coming into a season of greatness. If you water what’s alive and divine, you will see harvest like you’ve never seen before. Stop wasting water on dead issues, dead relationships, dead people, a dead past.”

🟒”No matter how much you water concrete, you can’t grow a garden.”
Stress and worry is a residual of relying on yourself and being your own god, in control of everything. Worship allows us to rely on God’s power to steer us through life.”

🟒”Surround yourself with people whose definition of you is not based on your history, but your destiny.”

🟒”Surround yourself with those who won’t compete but will revel in your success and see your ascent as a reflection of their own possibilities.”

🟒”The critic is a prisoner to his own experiences and perspectives, erroneously believing his limited experiences are the sum of all truth.”

🟒”The enemy doesn’t care how many days you live as long as you don’t live in the days you have.”

🟒”The first time I walked on a stage I knew that was what I was created to do. I knew that there was a calling and a sense of purpose in my life that gave me fulfillment and a sense of destiny.”

🟒”The lifting up of the woman does not require the tearing down of the man. In fact, a strong woman appreciates a strong man. Conversely, a strong man is not intimidated by a strong woman.”

🟒”The low-grade plagiarism of popularity will never lead you to true contentment.”

🟒”The most dangerous thing in the world is to have no purpose.”

🟒”There are no college courses to build up self-esteem or high school or elementary school. If you don’t get those values at a early age, nurtured in your home, you don’t get them.”

🟒”There are people who can walk away from you… let them walk. I don’t want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you… Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left. And it doesn’t mean that they are a bad person, it just means that their part in the story is over. And you’ve got to know when people’s part in your story is over…”

🟒”There are some fires you can’t get out of- you’ve got to go through the fire – you’ve got to go through the flood – you’ve got to go through the test – you’ve got to go through the struggle that you might decrease and he might increase.”

🟒”There is a higher power, a higher influence, a God who rules and reigns and controls circumstances and situations that are beyond your area and realm of authority.”

🟒”There is no room for God in a mind that’s full of self.”

🟒”There is nothing I’m any more passionate than empowering the next generation.”

🟒”There may be challenges or crosses that may have delayed your goals temporarily, but now it’s time to move forward.”

🟒”There’s something you learn from helping other people with their dreams that prepares you for your own.”

🟒”Timing is so important! If you are going to be successful in dance, you must be able to respond to rhythm and timing.”

🟒”Spirit. People who don’t understand God’s timing can become spiritually spastic, trying to make the right things happen at the wrong time.”

🟒”They don’t get His rhythm – and everyone can tell they are out of step. They birth things prematurely, threatening the very lives of their God-given dreams.”

🟒”To those of us who often procrastinate on the decision we feel intimidated by lack of education or any area of weakness. I relieve you with this statement: It is not how much you know that arms you with the tools of great decision making, but rather how much you ask. Ask questions.”

🟒”Too many people want the appearance of winning rather than the practices and hard work that create a true champion.”

🟒”We cannot embrace God’s forgiveness if we are so busy clinging to past wounds and nursing old grudges.”

🟒”We develop our propensity to forgive or not to forgive by what we see illustrated at the early ages of our development.”

🟒”We have a tendency to want the other person to be a finished product while we give ourselves the grace to evolve.”

🟒”What woman would not appreciate a God who becomes her attorney, assumes her case, requires no fee, and wins her the victory?”

🟒”When God blesses you, don’t let no devil in hell move you out of your place of blessing!”

🟒”When my father died, I had a real experience with Christ, a real conversion with Christ and I had it in a Oneness church.”

🟒”When people can walk away from you: Let them walk.”

🟒”When people walk away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn’t mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over.”

🟒”When we are placed in a set of circumstances where we have to take initiative and be creative, some of us find it hard to transition. Those people have been trained not to think but to obey orders. They are slaves to the training, unconsciously pledging allegiance to the average.”

🟒”Mentally they recite from the manual of mediocrity.”

🟒”When you begin to realize that your past does not necessarily dictate the outcome of your future, then you can release the hurt. It is impossible to inhale new air until you exhale the old.”

🟒”When you can’t do nothing but pray-you’ve done a whole lot.”

🟒”When you make a decision to forgive it’s a decision that you have to make intellectually.”

🟒”When you were built to be tall, you will endanger your position if you lower your perspective
You are just one idea away from what you sow in your brains, in your prophecies that God spoke over your life. You’re one idea away. You are not waiting on God – God is waiting on you! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to go on and on about that. I have this stuff in me and I have no place to release it to you because sometimes church people are so spiritual they make me nauseous, because they expect God to do everything.”

🟒”You can’t be who you are going to be and who you used to be at the same time.”

🟒”You cannot change what you will not confront.”

🟒”You cannot embrace your destiny if you do not let go of your history.”

🟒”You cannot have a private relationship in a public arena. You must look to an inner circle of people who really know you. Don’t expect to have that kind of intimate relationship with people who only know you publicly. Do not seek to be understood by the world.”

🟒”You don’t even have to be the one praying, but if you get around somebody who really know how to pray-prayer will lift you when you’ve fallen, prayer will catch you when you’ve lost your grip, prayer will stop you from going overboard, prayer will bring you out!”

🟒”You don’t have to be in church service to worship, you can be in your own home. You enhance your spirituality, through the instrument of worship, when you really connect with the invisible, almighty God.”

🟒”You don’t know how much you’ve grown- until trouble comes back for an encore.”

🟒”You have to knock on doors. You can’t keep your dreams a secret. You have to put them out there on display and people can say whatever they want but keep on pointing your actions towards your dreams.”

🟒”You must realize that if you are going to reach the heights you have been called to reach, you may elicit some criticism from those who are jealous, petty or angry because they were left behind.”

🟒”You’d be surprised at the things that look great on the outside but are dysfunctional on the inside. Be sure to function as good as you look.”

🟒”Your words will tell others what you think. Your actions will tell them what you believe.”

TD Jakes Quotes on Life, Faith and Love:

🟒”A setback is a setup for a comeback!” – TD Jakes

🟒”Blame unto others only as you would first blame yourself.” – TD Jakes

🟒”Each day is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him.” – TD Jakes

🟒”If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.” – TD Jakes

🟒”Never make a permanent decision about a temporary situation.” – TD Jakes

🟒”Others can inspire you, but ultimately the only thing that empowers you is what lies within you and learning how to better utilize what you’ve been given.” – TD Jakes

🟒”The art of avoiding extremes is an art that is drawn on the canvas of maturity and painted with the abstract strokes of many experiences.” – TD Jakes

🟒”We are the people that we have been waiting for and no one else is coming.” – TD Jakes

🟒”When you hold on to your history you do it at the expense of your destiny.” – TD Jakes

🟒”You cannot be a Big person with a Small heart” – TD Jakes

TD Jakes Quotes to inspire and teach:

🟒”A church that focuses on the external has lost its passion for souls.” – TD Jakes

🟒”Both success and struggle are different kinds of trauma.” – TD Jakes

🟒”Face the giants in your life, slay them, and move on. Do not be daunted by the mistakes and failures in your life.” – TD Jakes

🟒”Faith is the substance of whatever it is that we hope for. The important thing is that we teach that faith is connected to good works and responsibility.” – TD Jakes

🟒”If someone must be hurt, if it ever becomes necessary to bear pains, weather strong winds, or withstand trials or opposition, let it be adults and not children.” – TD Jakes

🟒”Instincts under pressure crush the carbon of conformity and create diamonds. Each new season of life offers to train us for the next season if we pay attention and adapt.” – TD Jakes

🟒”Once you have confidence in your instincts, you must never allow other people’s refusal to believe, or their data to refute, what you instinctively know is true.” – TD Jakes

🟒”One of the great healing balms of the Holy Spirit is forgiveness. To forgive is to break the link between you and your past.” – TD Jakes

🟒”There may come a time when you can’t save the relationship, but you must save yourself.” – TD Jakes

🟒”Think about it this way: if you are too predictable in any area of your life, you may be paving the way to your own extinction!” – TD Jakes

TD Jakes quotes that are full of life lessons:

🟒”Eagles fly where lesser birds cannot fly, so eagles can do what lesser birds cannot do.” – TD Jakes

🟒”God has invested entirely too much in you for you to be comfortable in anything less than you were created to be.”― T.D. Jakes

🟒”How you think about your opportunities determines how you will act on them.” – TD Jakes

🟒”It’s better to gather in righteousness than fellowship with darkness.” – TD Jakes

🟒”Its not over, until the Lord says its over.”― T.D. Jakes

🟒”No woman wants to be in submission to a man who isn’t in submission to God!”― TD Jakes

🟒”Success is not success without a successor.” – TD Jakes

🟒”When there’s no turning back, your instincts will lead you forward.” – TD Jakes

🟒”When you leave the familiar and enter the unknown, your fear becomes refined by experience and hammered into tools of survival on the anvil of anxiety.” – TD Jakes

🟒”You can’t be who you’re going to be and who you used to be at the same time.” – TD Jakes

TD Jakes Quotes that will make your day:

🟒”As you assess your current location and motivation for being an entrepreneur, do not be discouraged by the size or number of obstacles in your path. If you can catch a vision for it then God can do it!”― T.D. Jakes

🟒”Could it be that we allow the conditions in our lives to distract us from the meaning of our lives?”― T.D. Jakes

🟒”Destiny is not for comfort seekers. Destiny is for the daring and determined who are willing to endure some discomfort, delay gratification, and go where Destiny leads.”― T.D. Jakes

🟒”Fear teaches you to be cautious, careful, and conscientious. It also forces you to be creative, compassionate, and calculating.”― T.D. Jakes

🟒”Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”― T.D. Jakes

🟒”It is important to remember that for every person, there will be a problem. Even more importantly, for every problem, our God has a prescription!”― T.D. Jakes

🟒”My greatest fear is not living before I die, to play everything so safe that even though I had no risk I also enjoyed no reward.”― T.D. Jakes

🟒”To be unforgiving is like to drink poison and wait for someone else to die!!” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”When you’re in trouble, God will reach into the mess and pull you out.”― T.D. Jakes

🟒”You’d be surprised at the things that look great on the outside but are dysfunctional on the inside. Be sure to function as good as you look.”― T.D. Jakes

TD Jakes Quotes that are full of wisdom:

🟒”Be strong enough to stand up again, even after haters make you drop to your knees.” ― T.D. Jakes

🟒”But you cannot go through the Door of Destiny without passing through the Hall of Haters.” ― T.D. Jakes

🟒”If you can dream it, you can achieve it. The secret to recapturing dreams is to enjoy the pursuit of the dream, rather than to focus on the outcome.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”If you stick your head in the sand and ignore things that you have the power to change, you can’t blame anyone when they don’t turn out right!”― T.D. Jakes

🟒”Often after years of deep investment into others we are shocked and disappointed that they simply didn’t get who we really are.” ― T.D. Jakes

🟒”Progress apart from purpose ends in arrogance.” ― T.D. Jakes

🟒”Renew your mind get rid of limiting beliefs.” ― T.D. Jakes

🟒”Routine is the enemy of instinct……It’s better to change and fail than to settle.” ―T.D. Jakes

🟒”Share your dream with people who want you to succeed.”― T.D. Jakes

🟒”The slower journey allows time for maturity and experience to shape you into the person who comfortably fits into your destiny.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”The time to shift your priorities in the direction of Destiny is never convenient. There will always be a reason to put it off until later.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”There is no success like the success of a man who had to persevere in order to receive it. People appreciate the victory when they have to walk it out.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”To fulfill your purpose, you must first know and celebrate your identity!” ― T.D. Jakes

🟒”When you live your own dream, you don’t have time to be a hater.” ― T.D. Jakes

🟒”You can’t let other people determine how far you are willing to go to reach Destiny because it’s simply not their call. They don’t get it, so don’t worry about them!” – T.D. Jakes

T.D. Jakes Quotes That Remind Us to Never Give Up:

🟒”Don’t let a temporary emotion cloud your judgment!

🟒”Everything happens for a reason.

🟒”Be patient, you’ll get to where you need to be.

🟒”Let that hurt transform you.

🟒”You are capable of weathering any storm or overcoming any wave that comes at you.

Jakes Quotes on Fear, Destiny & Letting Go:

🟒”A setback is a setup for a comeback.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”A whole woman will always attract a whole man. And when they touch, they will fuse to create a whole marriage. Ultimately, when the time is right, they will produce whole children.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”A woman who walks in purpose doesn’t have to chase people or opportunities. Her light cause people and opportunities to pursue her.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Being angry is human. Staying angry is foolish.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”But I think my mistakes became the chemistry for my miracles. I think that my tests became my testimonies.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Challenge your fears! Find your potential.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Destiny is not for comfort seekers. Destiny is for the daring and determined who are willing to endure some discomfort, delay gratification, and go where destiny leads.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Don’t allow your past or present condition to control you. It’s just a process that you’re going through to get you to the next level.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Don’t be limited by people who despise your growth, they want you to remain the same so they will feel comfortable.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Don’t let what people think stop you.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Don’t lose your dignity and self-respect trying to make people love and appreciate you, when they just aren’t capable.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Don’t mistake delays for destiny, you may be delayed but you have not been denied.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Each day is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to Him.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Excellence requires discomfort.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Face the giants in your life, slay them and move on. Do not be daunted by the mistakes and failures in your life.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Forgiveness is about empowering yourself, rather than empowering your past.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Forgiveness liberates the victim. It’s a gift you give yourself.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”God has invested entirely too much in you for you to be comfortable in anything less than you were created to be.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”God knows what’s best for you. He knows where you are going and He has a plan to get you there.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Greatness is contagious. You’ll catch it if you get around it.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Hardship can humble you, but it cannot break you unless you let it. Your instinct for survival will see you through if you are attuned to its frequency.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”I think it is important that we rebuild an atmosphere of forgiveness and civility in every aspect of our lives.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure our your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”If you have the instinct, you can hire the intellect.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”If you stick your head in the sand and ignore things that you have the power to change, you can’t blame anyone when they don’t turn out right.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”If you succeed at loving imperfect people, then it becomes plausible that somebody could love imperfect you.” – T.D. Jakes
Instincts under pressure crush the carbon of conformity and create diamonds. Each new season of life offers to train us for the next season if we pay attention and adapt.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”It is important to remember that for every person, there will be a problem. Even more importantly, for every problem, our God has a prescription.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”It is your passion that empowers you to be able to do the thing you were created to do.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Many times we get so wrapped up in achieving our goals that we miss the opportunity to stop and be thankful for the things we have achieved.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Never make a permanent decision about a temporary situation.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Never settle for less than God’s best for your life.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”No woman wants to be in submission to a man who isn’t in submission to God.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Others can inspire you, but ultimately the only thing that empowers you is what lies within you and learning how to better utilize what you’ve been given.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Resist your fear; fear will never lead you to a positive end. Go for your faith and what you believe.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Some people are so poor, the only thing they got is money.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Sometimes what makes us insecure and vulnerable becomes the fuel we need to be overachievers.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Stop expecting your job to fund your vision. Your vision is probably bigger than your paycheck.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Stop watering things that were never meant to grow in your life. Water what works, what good, what’s right. Stop playing around with those dead bones and stuff you can’t fix, it’s over…leave it alone! You’re coming into a season of greatness. If you water what’s alive and divine, you will see harvest like you’ve never seen before.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Surround yourself with people whose definition of you is not based on your history but your destiny.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Surround yourself with people you want to be like.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”The art of avoiding extremes is an art that is drawn on the canvas of maturity and painted with the abstract strokes of many experiences.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”The dream is free but the journey isn’t.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”The most dangerous thing in the world is to have no purpose.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”There is nothing I’m any more passionate about than empowering the next generation.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”There is something down inside of you that knows there is more and it’s roaring to get out.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Too many people want the appearance of winning rather than the practice and hard work that creates a true champion.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Unforgiveness denies the victim the possibility of parole and leaves them stuck in the prison of what was, incarcerating them in their trauma and relinquishing the chance to escape beyond the pain.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Until you live every moment without assuming there will be another moment, then you’re not really living on purpose.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”We all set out to make a difference in the world, but the first step is to achieve the less lofty goal of changing your own world.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”We are the people that we’ve been waiting for and no one else is coming.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”We cannot embrace God’s forgiveness if we are so busy clinging to past wounds and nursing old grudges.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”We have a tendency to want the other person to be a finished product while we give ourselves the grace to evolve.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”What you can do is embrace what you have right now and allow it to fill the vacancies of what you didn’t get yesterday.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Whatever you give yourself to, it will give back to you.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”When you are a giraffe and you receive criticism from turtles, they are reporting the view from the level they are on.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”When you begin to realize that your past does not necessarily dictate the outcome of your future, then you can release the hurt. It is impossible to inhale new air until you exhale the old.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”When you don’t become fixated on winning the prize or appearing successful, and instead pursue your passions, then you will discover the fulfillment that comes from living by instinct.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”When you hold on to your history, you do it at the expense of your destiny.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”You can teach what you know, but you can only reproduce what you are.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”You can’t be who you’re going to be and who you used to be at the same time.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”You can’t let people define you.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”You cannot be a big person with a small heart.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”You cannot embrace destiny if you do not let go of your history.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”You don’t need people to validate you gift, you were gifted before they met you.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”You face your greatest opposition when you’re closet to your biggest miracle.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”You were afflicted so that you can help deliver other people from what you escaped from.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”You’d be surprise at the things that look great on the outside but are dysfunctional on the inside. Be sure to function as good as you look.” – T.D. Jakes

🟒”Your words will tell others what you think. Your actions will tell them what you believe.” – T.D. Jakes

T.D jakes has given us many inspiring and thought-provoking quotes throughout the years. His words have given us hope, comfort, and clarity in times of struggle and uncertainty. Whether you are facing a difficult situation, or just looking for a bit of motivation, t.D jakes’ quotes can provide the guidance and encouragement we need to stay on the right path.

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