Russell Brand Quotes – Inspirational Quotes

Russell Brand Quotes. Russell Brand is an English comedian, actor, radio host, author, and activist who first gained fame in the United States as the host of MTV’s “Big Brother’s Big Mouth.”

He is best known for his outspoken views on politics, social issues, and popular culture. Throughout his career, Brand has shared some truly inspiring and thought-provoking quotes that have resonated with millions of fans around the world. Here are some of the most inspiring Russell Brand quotes to help you stay focused on your goals and ambitions.

Russell Brand Quotes Recovary :

💠 “Plus how much time have I given over to watching TV or staring out of windows or pursuing pointless relationships or looking at my Twitter mentions? Those hours all add up and are sadly deducted from the overall life total. They are not a break from life, these ‘harmless’ distractions, they are life. They are life and they are death.”

💠 “Even having identified Lust as a ‘defect’, a negative and problematic trait, we don’t automatically discard it. ‘Lust is natural, I’m entitled to lust, if she had sex more I wouldn’t look at porn’, all these justifications are obstacles to change. In justifying our misery we recommit to it.”

💠 “We have been taught that freedom is the freedom to pursue our petty, trivial desires. Real freedom is freedom from our petty, trivial desires.”

💠 “The condition in extreme is identifiable but the less obvious version of addiction is still painful and arguably worse because we simply adapt to living in pain.”

💠 “I don’t wake up in the morning and think, ‘Wow, I’m on a planet in the Milky Way, in infinite space, bestowed with the gift of consciousness, which I did not give myself, with the gift of language, with lungs that breathe and a heart that beats, none of which I gave myself, with no concrete understanding of the Great Mysteries, knowing only that I was born and will die and nothing of what’s on either side of this brief material and individualized glitch in the limitless expanse of eternity and, I feel, I feel love and pain and I have senses, what a glorious gift! I can relate, and create and serve others or I can lose myself in sensuality and pleasure. What a phenomenal mystery!’ Most days I just wake up feeling a bit anxious and plod a solemn, narrow path of survival, coping. ‘I’ll have a coffee’, ‘I’ll try not to reach for my phone as soon as I stir, simpering and begging like a bad dog at a table for some digital tidbit, some morsel of approval, a text, that’ll do”

💠 “Me and the plan just need a bit more time’, I used to think, a bit more time and a bottle of wine, a bit more time and one more pipe, a bit more time and a slice of cake, a bit more time and a threesome, for luck.”

💠 “Addiction is when natural biological imperatives, like the need for food, sex, relaxation or status, become prioritised to the point of destructiveness. It is exacerbated by a culture that understandably exploits this mechanic as it’s a damn good way to sell Mars bars and Toyotas.”

💠 “You need only allow gentle hope to enter your heart. Exhale and allow hope, and give yourself some time. This is a process of change that requires a good deal of self-compassion, which is neither stagnant nor permissive. We can just start by being a little kinder to ourselves and open to the possibility that life doesn’t have to be bloody awful.”

💠 “I have no power at all over people, places and things, and if I ever for a moment mistakenly believe that I do, and act as if I do, pain is on its way.”

💠 “What is a belief really? A thought, in your mind, that you like having. If you like having it, it must be of benefit, it either improves your life or helps you to rationalize how bad your life is. I can’t think of another reason to have a belief.”

💠 “Sell me phones and food and prejudice, low cost and low values, low-frequency thinking. We are in a cult by default. We just can’t see it because its boundaries lie beyond our horizons.”

💠 “The instinct that drives compulsion is universal. It is an attempt to solve the problem of disconnection, alienation, tepid despair… the problem is ultimately ‘being human’ in an environment that is curiously ill-equipped to deal with the challenges that entails.”

💠 “We crave connection, but so much of the time we are not alive, neutralized. Who are you when you’re listening to the radio in traffic? You are not you, you are on standby. Mostly we are free-floating and disengaged, lost in the spectacle.”

💠 “There is no freedom without forgiveness.”

💠 “You can never quench your spiritual craving through material means.”

💠 “In a sense we re-write our past. We change our narrative. We reprogram ourselves. There is no objective history, this we know, only stories. Our character is the result of this story we tell ourselves about ourselves, and the process of inventorying breaks down the hidden and destructive personal grammar that we have unwittingly allowed to govern our behaviour.”

💠 “Now believe addiction to be a calling. A blessing. I now hear a rhythm behind the beat, behind the scratching discordant sound of my constant thinking. A true pulse behind the bombastic thud of the ego drum. There, in the silence, the offbeat presence of another thing.”

💠 “The feeling you have that ‘there’s something else’ is real. What happens when you don’t follow the compulsion? What is on the other side of my need? The only way to find out is to not do it, and that is a novel act of faith.”

💠 “It is commonly understood that the opposite of addiction is connection. That in our addictive behaviours we are trying to achieve the connection. Think of it: the bliss of a hit or a drink or of sex or of gambling or eating, all legitimate drives gone awry, all a reach across the abyss, the separateness of ‘self’, all an attempt to redress this disconnect.”

💠 “A counsellor at the treatment centre where I got clean, herself a woman in recovery, surprised me when she said, ‘How clever of you to find drugs. Well done, you found a way to keep yourself alive.’ This made me feel quite tearful. I suppose because this woman, Jackie, didn’t judge me or tell me I was stupid or tubthumpingly declare that ‘drugs kill’. No, she told me that I had done well by finding something that made being me bearable… To be acknowledged as a person who was in pain and fighting to survive in my own muddled-up and misguided way made me feel optimistic and understood. It is an example of the compassion addicts need from one another in order to change.”

💠 “If we all feel that we are alone, how alone are we?”

💠 “A theist is a person who has seen through the material and mechanical world and doesn’t commit suicide’. I like this quote. To see that it is all bullshit and not to clock off, that requires faith. Only faith will do. Only faith. Even if you’re double certain that there is nothing but space and dumb molecules out there, clattering about into symphonic and faraway futures, if you believe that’s all there is and don’t check out, you are hardcore. You must really love football or fucking or money or something and be okay with those things being only what they explicitly are, without implicit power, with no unravelling flag blowing behind them in limitless wind, back to before some unknowable moment of creation when this universe’s heart first began to beat.”

💠 “Part of that change is forgiveness and the willingness to look at our lives and the world differently. Ask yourself ‘Do I really want to change or do I just want to justify staying the way that I am?”

💠 “Are there things about yourself which you have never told anyone? Way back upon the creaky floors of your childhood, in your solitude, the shadows of your private mind, the things you’ve done and said and thought that compound and contain you: shameful things, sexual things, often solitary acts, but sometimes not, sometimes agonizing stabs of cruelty you’ve inflicted on people you love, or the moments where reality itself seemed to tear as they looked into your eyes and told you ‘you are nothing’. And for a moment you stand there adjusting to the pain, the pain that someone could say that to you, and what that must mean about who you are.”

💠 “I believe that what the 12 Steps and their encompassing philosophy, which I will lay out for you in these pages, will provide is nothing less than a solution to the dissatisfaction of living, and dying, to anyone with the balls to do the work. And it is work. Indeed it is a personal rebirth and the journey entails all manner of uncomfortable confrontations with who you truly are.”

💠 “Yes, people made mistakes but that’s what humans do and I am under no obligation to hoard these errors and allow them to clutter my perception of the present.”

Russell Brand Quotes On Spritually :

💠 “All desires are the inappropriate substitute for the desire to be at one with God.”

💠 “I think it’s necessary to spend time in quite communion with your true self so that your conscious activity isn’t entirely governed by the thinking mind.”

💠 “As long as we prioritise this material truth over spiritual truth we will live in tyranny because we are living in an illusion.”

💠 “I think if people have some sort of yearning or dissatisfaction or some itchy irritability, then it might be because they’re not looking in the right direction for a solution and that they should look within; and that within them there is a limitless, infinite capacity for bliss through connection to higher things.”

💠 “We are all part of the one living garment of God and there’s no value in judging other people.”

💠 “God is not something that’s about thinking you’re better than someone or a reason to have a war with someone. It’s that within us, beneath and beyond our identity as human beings, driven by fear and desire, defined by the realm of the senses and the material self, which is transitory, there is a divine self that is connected to all living things, that is part of an infinite source of creativity.”

💠 “There are certain principles that will help align us all. Just be true to yourself and don’t fuck other people over.”

💠 “The acknowledgement that to discover the truth of who you are you need to go into the belly of the beast, you need to go under the ocean, you need to go into the darkness, into the pain. That’s where you will discover the true gift of the self; if you never go below the surface then you will never discover the truth of who you are.”

💠 “Spirituality just means be nice, it ain’t hard, just be nice. You meet a homeless person, be nice. You get into a cab, be nice to the person.”

💠 “You must define yourself internally with your relationship with a higher entity. Think of yourself as a manifestation of some higher thing, some higher frequency.”

💠 “All innovation comes from a connection to the inner life.”

💠 “Take a moment to look inside yourself. There’s an awareness behind your fear, there’s an awareness behind your desire and if you strengthen your connection to that awareness your life will change.”

💠 “The ultimate truth is oneness.”

💠 “I don’t mind having a reputation as a serious and spiritual person. I think that would be a nice reputation to have.”

💠 “The only meaningful interpretation of any religious teaching is to honour the divine within ourselves and love the divine in one another.”

💠 “We need to recognise at some point that within ourselves there is infinite capacity for connection with all things.”

💠 “People need to lead spiritual lives, all of us. I’m a person and it’s good to have access to the infinite consciousness that’s available to all people but through the five senses it is delineated, keeping us trapped on a material plane.”

💠 “The acknowledgement that to discover the truth of who you are you need to go into the belly of the beast, you need to go under the ocean, you need to go into the darkness, into the pain. That’s where you will discover the true gift of the self; if you never go below the surface then you will never discover the truth of who you are.”

💠 “I choose to believe in God because I think that is the recognition that there is divine beauty in all of us and if we prioritise that over our own selfish material needs then we will naturally create a culture more in harmony with our planet and we’ll have a chance.”

Russell Brand Quotes Funny :

💠 “People don’t realize that the future is just now, but later.”

💠 “Amy Winehouse – her surname’s beginning to sound like a description of her liver.”

💠 “Some people…say America is not ready for a black President. But I know”

💠 “America to be a forward-thinking country, otherwise why would you have let that retard and cowboy fella be President?”

💠 “Bob Geldof…no wonder he’s such an expert on famine, he has been dining out on I Don’t Like Mondays for thirty years.”

💠 “It’s no coincidence that monogamy sounds so much like monotony.”

💠 “I used to binge-eat and make myself throw up. I was a fat kid. Obviously I didn’t quite master the bulimia.”

💠 “On Peter Crouch: Even in name, he seems like a Victorian oddity. “Igor, fetch ‘the Crouch’ from the catacombs, we’re going to the graveyard”.

💠 “Remember when we dug Saddam up out of that hole? He looked like a Father”

💠 “Christmas who had been sacked from Debenhams for being drunk at work.”

💠 “Let’s look beyond the divisions of football teams and look at the unifying force within our souls… SEX!”

💠 “On respect for the Queen: When I lick a stamp I always do it with my eyes closed.”

💠 “I don’t like little chip and pin machines. I don’t like that they tell you what to do. ‘Hand me back to the merchant!’ like a bossy toddler.”

💠 “On bad chat up lines: Stick around love, cos I’ve got worse. The worst being, simply, Get in the van.”

💠 “I would define my looks as a Victorian Childcatcher. Or an S&M Willy Wonka who likes to use a riding crop on his own leg in his spare time.”

💠 “If your body is 90% water what have you got to drink water all the time for?

💠 “Why can’t you just have some crisps?”

💠 “What about the rumours David Cameron smoked drugs as a schoolboy? What worries me most is that he dressed up as a schoolboy to do it, the pervert.”

Russell Brand Quotes Forgetting Sarah Marshall :

💠 “How you served five years under her, I don’t know. You deserve a medal, or a holiday or at least a cuddle from somebody.”

💠 “Right. I could never happen.”

💠 “It’s a metaphor for a crap movie.”

💠 “I’ve lost a shoe — have you seen it anywhere? Excuse me, missus, I’ve lost a shoe — like this one. It’s like this one’s fellow — it’s sort of the exact opposite in fact of that; not an evil version but just, you know, a shoe like this — but for the other”

💠 “Look at my limo driver. I’m going to have sex with her. Alright.”

💠 “Oh God, please take my eyes, but not the shirt.”

💠 “I would rather have my testicles spread out like a wafer and then have them covered in a layer of honey and then have wasps come and sting me and then have them covered in another layer of vinegar and then have it worn as a swimming cap by a Nazi. I’d rather”

💠 “I mean, I’ve heard that women do fake orgasms, but I’ve never seen it — It really, deeply upset me.”

💠 “Yeah, I had a girl cheat on me once, with both Liam Gallagher and Noel Gallagher.”

💠 “Come on tour with me. I’ll serenade you every night in front of thousands of women.”

💠 “Yeah, I’m going in two weeks. It’s like an 18 month tour, 43 countries, Infant Sorrow, and it’s gonna be a massive tour.”

💠 “Going around killing people. A mobile phone, like doing murders.
Right. That’s it. The battle’s over.”

💠 “I hated it.”

💠 “Awful bloody film. I say, it’s just a ridiculous premise. What would happen if your mobile phone killed you? Why would a mobile phone kill anyone? Doesn’t make sense. How can a mobile phone have an agenda and kill people –”

💠 “Yeah, you were the voice of reason, mate.”

💠 “You’re still involved with him next door, ain’t ya?”

💠 “You should’ve seen yourself at dinner, Sarah. Then you came back here and put on that ghastly performance. I mean I’ve heard that women do fake orgasms, but I’ve never seen one. It really deeply upset me.”

💠 “Was that genuine or did you fake that? Right, I’m probably gonna clear off now. I’ll have a little sleep for a few hours, then I’m probably gonna go in the morning. Okay.”

💠 “Thank you. What a lovely introduction — from an eccentric and confident young man.”

💠 “Not anymore. You’re an unemployed actress. Perfect. You could be the queen of the groupies, queen of the Sorrow Suckers.”

💠 “Sorrow Suckers. I don’t know why they call them that.”

💠 “No accounting for taste, I suppose, in her case, anyway.”

💠 “Yeah, you got four on me then, mate.”

💠 “Don’t get offended by that.”

💠 “I thought you knew. Peter, please, don’t take it seriously.”

Russell Brand Drug Quotes :

💠 “If you’re a drug addict, often you’re stealing – I’ve gotten done for shoplifting a few times.”

💠 “Drugs and alcohol are not my problem, reality is my problem, drugs and alcohol are my solution.”

💠 “I’m a recovering drug addict, so it’s not a subject that I take lightly, but I do agree that the criminalization of narcotics is the deliberate inhibition of human consciousness.”

💠 “Even as a junkie I stayed true [to vegetarianism] – ‘I shall have heroin, but I shan’t have a hamburger.’ What a sexy little paradox.”

💠 “It is difficult to feel sympathy for these people. It is difficult to regard some bawdy drunk and see them as sick and powerless. It is difficult to suffer the selfishness of a drug addict who will lie to you and steal from you and forgive them and offer them help. Can there be any other disease that renders its victims so unappealing?”

💠 “It is 10 years since I used drugs or drank alcohol and my life has improved immeasurably. I have a job, a house, a cat, good friendships and generally a bright outlook.”

💠 “The way I’ve been with drink and drugs suggests I have a tendency to get addicted to things.”

💠 “If you’re a drug addict, then you’ve always got drugs, so you’re a criminal. So you’re gonna get into problems.”

💠 “I’ve never had a sustained period of medication for mental illness when I’ve not been on other drugs as well. It’s just not something that I particularly feel I need. I know that I have dramatically changing moods, and I know sometimes I feel really depressed, but I think that’s just life. I don’t think of it as, “Ah, this is mental illness,” more as, “Today, life makes me feel very sad.” I know I also get unnaturally high levels of energy and quickness of thought, but I’m able to utilize that.”

💠 “When I first became famous in the United Kingdom it was helpful because it meant there wasn’t a spite of ‘this bloke’s a drug addict,’ ‘this bloke f**ks all these women’ because I was just making jokes about all those things already, so it made me some kind of incorruptible indefatigable, indestructible force.”

💠 “The mentality and behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics is wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help they have no hope.”

💠 “What was so painful about Amy’s death is that I know that there is something I could have done. I could have passed on to her the solution that was freely given to me. Don’t pick up a drink or drug, one day at a time. It sounds so simple; it actually is simple but it isn’t easy; it requires incredible support and fastidious structuring.”

Russell Brand Famous Quotes :

💠 “If we all feel alone, how alone are we? If we all feel worthless then who is the currency of our worth being measured against?”

💠 “As long as we prioritize material truths over spiritual truths we will live in tyranny because we are living an illusion.”

💠 “Amy Winehouse increasingly became defined by her addiction. Our media though is more interested in tragedy than talent, so the ink began to defect from praising her gift to chronicling her downfall. The destructive personal relationships, the blood soaked ballet slippers, the aborted shows, that YouTube madness with the baby mice. In the public perception this ephemeral tittle-tattle replaced her timeless talent. This and her manner in our occasional meetings brought home to me the severity of her condition. Addiction is a serious disease; it will end with jail, mental institutions, or death.”

💠 “Animals, children, and the working class comprise the company in which I’ll feel most at ease.”

💠 “By puberty I learned that nothing worth having could be easily attained and to succeed one must be single minded.”

💠 “Drag your past around if you like, an old dead decaying ox of what you think they might’ve thought, or what might’ve been if you’d done what you ought. That which needs to burn let it burn. If the idea doesn’t serve you, let it go. If it separates you from the moment, from others, from yourself, let it go.”

💠 “Being famous is like a little bit of you is taken away and goes off and lives on its own and does what it wants… I wish it would do more interesting things!”

💠 “For me happiness occurs arbitrarily: a moment of eye contact on a bus, where all at once you fall in love; or a frozen second in a park where it’s enough that there are trees in the world.”

💠 “Have you been out in society recently? ‘Cause it’s shit!”

💠 “I am naïve and I have fucked up but I tell you something else. I believe in change. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty because my hands are dirty already. I don’t mind giving my life to this because I’m only alive because of the compassion and love of others.”

💠 “Every moment is a fresh new beginning, a wonderful inauguration of the great cosmic journey through the universe. We can do whatever we want. We can change reality at any moment.”

💠 “I didn’t cross the line, you drew it in after I traversed it.”

💠 “Drugs and alcohol are not my problem, reality is my problem, drugs and alcohol are my solution.”

💠 “How we treat the vulnerable is how we define ourselves as a species.”

💠 “I don’t like to be in delineated moments. I don’t like it when your reality feels prescriptive. I don’t like Christmas holidays and their pseudo-joy. I don’t like New Year’s Eve. I don’t like anything that feels like an established electromagnetic paradigm is pulling you into it’s cliched forebear’s footsteps.”

The blog for Russell Brand Quotes is positive. He is known for his witty and humorous quotes that often make people laugh, and has inspired many to think differently about life and the world. His quotes are often thought-provoking and encourage people to challenge their beliefs and perspectives, making them a valuable resource for anyone looking for a bit of inspiration.

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