Quotes For Instagram Bio – Define The Real You

Quotes for instagram bio. If you want to attract more people, then your instagram bio is the place where you need to focus a lot of attention. You won’t be able to attract people’s attention directly, but if you are already a famous person in your niche or even on social networks as well, it is possible for you to get many likes and comments from people who appreciate your work.

Instagram Bio Examples :

🔲 ” Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are.”

🔲” All I do is win, win, win. No matter what.”

🔲” Captivated from life, showing it here.”

🔲 ”Together we could be unstoppable.”

🔲 ”Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.”

🔲 ”When it rains look for rainbows when it’s dark I look for stars.”

🔲 ”Serving you a feast of vibrant grids.”

🔲” Trying to remember who I was before the world told me who to be.”

🔲 ”To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.”

🔲” I would rather die of passion than of boredom.”

🔲” Trying to become the best. That is why first I am being the worst.”

🔲 ”Stay humble. Be kind. Work hard.”

🔲” In a world of darkness look up at the stars.”

🔲” Simplicity is the key to happiness.”

🔲 ”Die having memories don’t die with just dreams.”

🔲” You is kind, you is smart, you is important.”

🔲 ”In a world where you can have everything. Be a giver first.”

🔲” Just making sure to love life.”

🔲 ”Making every day magical.”

🔲 ”Creating a life I love.”

🔲 ”I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.”

🔲 ”Creativity solves everything.”

🔲 ”Loving fiercely. Stopping along the way to take photos.”

🔲 ”I don’t want to forget something that once made us smile.”

🔲” Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

🔲” Girl with a strong desire to travel the world and explore new places.”

🔲” We have tomorrows for a reason.”

Cool Instagram Bio Ideas :

🔲 ” Good times and tan lines.”

🔲 ” Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open.”

🔲 ” We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”

🔲 ” It wasn’t always easy but it’s worth it.”

🔲 ” Perseverance pays… a lot!”

🔲 ” When daydreams become reality.”

🔲 ” My mission in life is not merely to survive but thrive.”

🔲 ” I already want to take a nap tomorrow.”

🔲 ” I would rather die of passion than of boredom.”

🔲 ” I’m a cupcake in search for her stud muffin.”

🔲 ” The best things come from living outside of your comfort zone.”

🔲 ” Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”

🔲 ” If I was a writer I’d have a better Instagram bio quote.”

🔲 ” Being myself – Everyone else is taken.”

🔲 ” Do you know what I like about people? Their dogs.”

🔲 ” Time is precious, waste it wisely.”

🔲 ” First I drink the coffee. Then I do things.”

🔲 ” No this isn’t a dream, this is my reality.”

🔲 ” Everything has beauty but not everyone can see.”

🔲 ” If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.”

🔲 ” The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”

🔲 ” When nothing goes right…. swipe!”

🔲 ” Gifted napper, talker, and ice cream eater.”

🔲 ” The best of me is yet to come.”

🔲 ” Remember to always be yourself.”

Slay Quotes For Instagram Bio :

🔲 ” Chocolate never asks me any questions, chocolate understands me.”

🔲 ” Use humor to stand out in your Instagram account. Did you know that people who use humor tend to be seem more approachable? The more approachable you seem in your IG, the more people will answer and connect with you. Therefore, you will get more successful. Don’t trust my words?”

🔲 ” Have a good laugh at these funny Instagram bios and spread the laughter in your feed.”

🔲 “Be strong,” I whisper to my WiFi signal.”

🔲 ” Words cannot express my love and passion for Fridays. The photos might help.”

🔲 ” Recovering from donuts addiction.”

🔲 ” A preview of my life. This is not the whole movie. P.S.: if you wanna get behind the scenes just head to my stories.”

Travel Bio Quotes :

🔲  ” All you need to know is that it’s possible.”

🔲  ” Go the extra mile, it’s never crowded.”

🔲 ” Those who do not travel only read one page.”

🔲  ” You can’t buy happiness but you can buy a plane ticket, and that’s kind of the same thing.”

🔲  ” Take only memories, leave only footprints.”

🔲  ” Is The journey (and the memories), not the arrival, what matters.”

🔲  ” Catching flights, not feelings.”

🔲  ” Travel far enough you meet yourself.”

🔲  ” Don’t listen to what they say, go see.”

🔲  ” Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.”

🔲  ” Chasing destinations around the globe.”

🔲  ” In love with cities I’ve never been to. Wanna discover them with me?”

🔲  ” To truly live is the greatest adventure there is.”

🔲  ” If you think adventures are dangerous, try routine: it’s lethal.”

🔲  ” Never. Stop. Exploring.”

🔲 ” Continuously traveling with my mind. My body sometimes joins.”

🔲  ” Escaping the ordinary.”

🔲  ” Better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times.”

🔲 ” Jobs fill your pocket but adventures fill your soul.”

Girl Bio For Instagram :

🔲  ” The best ist yet to come.”

🔲 ” Optimism is contagious.”

🔲  ” Stay classy.”

🔲  ” Simplicity is the key to happiness.”

🔲  ” Slowing Down.”

🔲  ” Nothing but blue skies.”

🔲 ” To travel is to live.”

🔲 ” World’s most annoying couple.”

🔲  ” 9-GRID Storyteller.”

🔲  ” Keeping it short? Check out these interesting short bios.”

🔲  ” This seat is taken.”

🔲  ” Creativity solves everything.”

🔲  ” Go wild for a while.”

🔲 ” I woke up like this.”

🔲  ” I don’t make mistakes, I date them.”

🔲  ” Just keep moving.”

🔲  ” A camera in hand.”

🔲  ” As free as the ocean.”

🔲  ” Making history, I mean… Insta stories…”

🔲  ” Spreading Smiles.”

🔲  ” Your vibe attracts your tribe.”

🔲 “99% coffee”.

🔲  ” Instagram nerd.”

🔲 ” There is beauty in simplicity.”

🔲  ” Nobody is perfect.”

Swag Bio For Instagram :

🔲  ” Don’t like me? Don’t care.”

🔲 ” Never forget, the world is yours. Terms and conditions may apply.”

🔲  ” Bad decisions make for the best stories.”

🔲  ” A Nomad in search of the perfect burger.”

🔲  ” All you hipsters need to stop wearing Nirvana shirts if you don’t even listen to them.”

🔲  ” I smile because I have no idea what is going on anymore.”

🔲  ” Keep the dream alive: Hit the snooze button.”

🔲  ” God gave me a lot of hair, but not a lot of height.”

🔲  ” Acting like summer & walking like rain.”

🔲  ” Naturally and artificially flavored.”

🔲  ” Living my dreams.”

🔲 ” WiFi + food + my bed = PERFECTION.”

🔲  ” Don’t follow me because I don’t even know where I’m going.”

🔲  ” Kind of a good samaritan, terrible athlete, but extremely blessed in the napping skills department.”

Bio For Instagram For Boy Attitude :

🔲  ” Risk-taker. Adventurer. Globetrotter.”

🔲  ” Be all in or get out. There is no in-between.”

🔲  ” I might look like I’m doing nothing, but in my head, I’m quite busy.”

🔲  ” I don’t care what people think of me. This is me in the rawest form.”

🔲  ” I might not be where I want to be yet but I get closer every day.”

🔲  ” I was born to… do exactly what I’m doing today.”

🔲 ” You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.”

🔲 ” Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

🔲  ” Living my life on my own terms.”

🔲  ” I got here by being me, so I’ll continue being me.”

🔲  ” Kilometers are shorter than miles. To save gas I’ll take my next trip in kilometers.”

🔲  ” One day, I hope to be a happy old man telling wild stories from my Instagram grid.”

🔲  ” Born to express, not impress.”

Motivation Quotes For Instagram Bios :

🔲  ” Keep your face to the sunshine and you won’t see a shadow.”

🔲  ” Attitudes are contagious. Make your worth catching.”

🔲 ” Being positive in a negative situation is not naïve, it’s leadership.”

🔲  ” Smile big. Laugh Often. Never take life for granted.”

🔲 ” Your life becomes a masterpiece when you learn to master peace.”

🔲  ” How we live our life is far more important than how we say we live our life.”

🔲  ” I don’t need any part-time people in my life.”

🔲 ” If you dare you will win.”

🔲  ” One bad chapter does not mean the story is over.”

🔲  ” Find comfort in the chaos.”

🔲  ” Happiness is not by chance but by choice.”

🔲  ” Knowledge is like underwear, important to have, but not necessary to show off.”

🔲 ” Life goes on.”

🔲 ” Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.”

🔲 ” Only I can change my life. Only you can change yours.”

🔲  ” Wherever life plants you bloom with grace.”

🔲  ” The road to success is always under construction.”

🔲  ” By all means: Do it!”

🔲  ” You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

🔲 ” Your best teacher is your last mistake.”

🔲  ” A champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall.”

🔲  ” Every day is a second chance.”

🔲  ” Fair is where you get cotton candy.”

🔲 ” Change your life today.”

Good Instagram Bios :

🔲 ” Creating a life, I love.”

🔲  ” Creating my own sunshine.”

🔲  ” I practice what I post.”

🔲 ” Captivated from life, showing it here.”

🔲  ” In a world of worriers, be a warrior.”

🔲 ” We have tomorrows for reason.”

🔲  ” She turned her can’t into can and her dreams into plans.”

🔲 ” Simplicity is the key to happiness.”

🔲  ” You is kind, you is smart, you is important.”

🔲  ” Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by a change.”

Funny Instagram Bios :

🔲  ” Chocolate never asks me any questions, chocolate understands me.”

🔲  ” Kanye attitude with Drake feelings.”

🔲  ” Gifted napper, talker, and ice cream eater.”

🔲 ” Recovering ice cream addict.”

🔲  ” Relationship status: Netflix and ice cream.”

🔲  ” Words cannot express my passion and love for Fridays.”

🔲 ” Humble with just a hint of Kanye.”

🔲  ” Sometimes I just want to give it all up and become a handsome billionaire.”

🔲 ” I might look like I’m doing nothing, but in my head, I’m quite busy.”

🔲  ” My hobbies are breakfast, lunch, and dinner topped with a chocolate dessert.”

Cute Instagram Bios :

🔲 ” You keep me safe. I’ll keep you wild.”

🔲  ” Trying to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

🔲  ” Always aiming to be a rainbow at the end of a thunderstorm.”

🔲  ” Recommended by 4 out of 5 people who recommend things.”

🔲  ” Sometimes we could always use a little magic – don’t hide the magic within you.”

🔲  ” Sharing my happy thoughts.”

🔲 ” Fair is where you get cotton candy.”

🔲  ” Just keep swimming.”

🔲  ” Fabulous ends in “us” coincidence? I think not.”

🔲  ” Sprinkling kindness everywhere I go.”

Business Instagram Bios :


🔲  ” Check out our best sellers below.”

🔲 ” Free international shipping.”

🔲  ” Click the link below to shop our Instagram.”

🔲 ” Your brand slogan.”

🔲  ” Share your photos with us using # (branded hashtag).”

🔲  ” A creative message describing your unique selling point.”

🔲  ” Official home of (brand name) on Instagram.”

Mom Instagram Bio Ideas :

🔲  ” Who runs the world? Moms.”

🔲  ” Mother of dragons, among other things.”

🔲  ” Mama to (insert kids names).”

🔲  ” No influence is as powerful as a mother.”

🔲  ” Nurturing, supporting, and helping my children grow.”

🔲  ” I cannot settle for just anything, my kids are watching!”

🔲  ” I don’t regret being a working mother when I can show others that I can fulfill my dreams and so does my children.”

🔲  ” I have the best job in the world, I’m a mom.”

Fashion Instagram Bios:

🔲 ” Fashion is about comfort and feeling good.”

🔲  ” We all have style; we only have to find it.”

🔲 ” We can express our feelings through our clothes.”

🔲  ” Style shows your attitude.”

🔲  ” How you can live the high life if you don’t wear high heels.”

🔲  ” Never over or under dressed, just dressed.”

🔲 ” Happiness looks beautiful on you.”

🔲  ” We can feel and see everything in clothes.”

Instagram Bio Ideas For Guys :

🔲  ” Kilometers are shorter than miles. To save gas I’ll take my next trip in kilometers.”

🔲  ” You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.”

🔲  ” I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.”

🔲  ” Born to express, not impress.”

🔲  ” I got here by being me, so I’ll continue being me.”

🔲  ” I’m out here hustlin’ to claim what’s mine.”

🔲  ” I don’t care what people think of me. This is me in the rawest form.”

🔲  ” Risk taker. Adventurer. Globetrotter. Living my dreams.”

Entrepreneur Instagram Bios :

🔲  ” Love what you do.”

🔲  ” Not stopping until I achieve my dreams.”

🔲  ” If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”

🔲  ” My goal is to not only live, but to grow.”

🔲  ” The road to success is always under construction.”

🔲  ” If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs.”

🔲  ” A goal is a dream with a deadline.”

🔲  ” The happiest people make the best out of anything.”

Clever Instagram Bios :

🔲  ” I’m real and I hope some of my followers are too.”

🔲  ” I can’t remember who I stole my bio from or why.”

🔲 ” Currently saying yes to new adventures.”

🔲  ” Sweet as sugar, tough as nails.”

🔲  ” Midnight snacker 🌝 ”

🔲  ” If “love is in the air” why is the air so polluted?”

🔲  ” Catch flights not feelings.”

🔲  ” Everyone else was taken so this is me.”

Dope Instagram Bios :

🔲  ” Don’t dm. Telepathy only!”

🔲  ” I’m not actually online, it’s just an optical illusion.”

🔲  ” Remember it’s just a bad day, not a bad life.”

🔲  ” Simply look at me. God is amazingly creative.”

🔲  ” Life on earth is expensive, but it includes a free trip around the sun.”

🔲  ” I speak fluent sarcasm!”

🔲  ” Stress does not go with my outfit!”

🔲  ” Lazy is such an ugly word, I prefer SELECTIVE PARTICIPATION!”

Unique Instagram Bios :

🔲  ” Looking at the world through colored glasses.”

🔲 ” Please cancel my subscription to your issues”

🔲  ” To a great mind. Nothing is little.”

🔲  ” A Life? Cool! Where can I download one of those?”

🔲  ” Don’t study me. You won’t graduate.”

🔲  ” Status Update: Currently hungry.”

🔲  ” Falling for you.”

🔲  ” Who needs friends? My PC is user friendly.”

Aesthetic Instagram Bios :

🔲  ” You have ruined the melody of my favorite song.”

🔲  ” Kind words cost nothing.”

🔲  ” Sometimes, the fear of losing someone is making us losing them.”

🔲  ” I am the hero of this story, do not save me.”

🔲  ” Stay busy, they do not deserve you.”

🔲  ” Simple hug and cure big issues of life.”

🔲 ” Sorry for taking the same boring face every day.”

🔲  ” Look in the mirror and see your competitor.”

Professional Instagram Bios :

🔲  ” Follow me then follow the link below!”

🔲  ” Wanna know my story? Press that follow button.”

🔲  ” My story will inspire you so be sure to hit that follow button.”

🔲  ” Don’t know what to do? You can start by hitting that follow button.”

🔲  ” Press that follow button to know my story.”

🔲  ” Turn that blue follow button to white.”

🔲  ” Follow me and I’ll follow back.”

🔲  ” Follow me to get a behind the scenes look at my life.”

Classy Instagram Bios :

🔲  ” People will stare; I make it worth their while.”

🔲  ” In a world of average, I’m savage.”

🔲 ” Even if you had instructions, you still couldn’t handle me.”

🔲  ” Not everyone has to like me, Not everyone has taste.”

🔲  ” Keep the dream alive: Hit the snooze button.”

🔲  ” At the end of the day, life should certainly ask us whether we want to save the changes or not.”

🔲  ” You can’t make everybody happy, you aren’t a jar of Nutella.”

🔲  ” Don’t be afraid to be the full package.”


When it comes to writing an instagram bio, you are most likely going to have a single word and couple of short sentences. This makes quoting a quote as one of the best ways to make your profile stand out among other profiles. 

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