Animal Vocabulary Word List A To Z – Types Of Animals

Animal vocabulary word list a to z is an acronym of animal vocabulary words. It is a list of animal terms, nouns and adjectives that we use to describe animals. This list has both singular and plural forms of each animal word and can be used in any context about animals.

Animal Vocabulary Word List A :

Aphid African Gray Parrot Archaeopteryx
Anteater Apatosaurus Ape
Armadillo Algae Airedale Terrier
American Flamingo African Penguin Albatross
Aardvark Alligator American Robin
Amphibian African Rock Python Artiodactyls
Arachnid Ant Asp
Alpaca African Wild Cat Assassin Bug
American Cocker Spaniel Arctic Fox American Bison
Abalone American Tree Sparrow
American Golden Plover
Anole Amoeba Angonoka
Animal Arctic Wolf
Alaskan Malamute
Arsinoitherium American Crocodile Arctic Tern
Angelshark Antelope Aye-aye
African Elephant Anaconda Angelfish
Arthropod Agouti


Animal Vocabulary Word List B :

Blue Ring Octopus Boa Constrictor Blowfish
Blue Morpho Butterfly Bactrian Camel Bloodhound
Buffalo Brown Pelican Bushbaby
Bullfrog Bumblebee Barnacle
Bull Shark Bighorn Sheep Bald Eagle
Bulldog Bilby Beetle
Bony Fish Bird Bluebird
Black Caiman Bed Bug
Black Bear Hamster
Butterfly Blue Whale Bluefin Tuna
Bearded Dragon Blue Shark Barracuda
Badger Binturong Bandicoot
Bivalve Bobcat Basking Shark
Black Racer Beluga Whale Bear
Bass Bee
Blue-tongued Skink
Blackbird Brown Bear Bongo
Bichon Frise Baboon Beagle
Bison Box Turtle Black Swan
Black Bear Bull Snake Bug
Bat Boxer Bonobo
Basilisk Blue Jay Brittle Star
Basset Hound Beaver Boston Terrier
Border Collie Bowhead Whale Bull


Animal Vocabulary Word List C :

Crayfish Chrysalis Cardinal
Chiton Chinchilla Chimipanzee
Cat Copperhead Snake Crane
Coati Conch Collared Lizard
Carnivora Cow Corn Snake
Chicken Cryptoclidus Crab
Carpenter Ant Caribou Clownfish
Chickadee Cockroach Cheetah
Cockatoo Cattle Coral
Collared Peccary Collie Coypu
Cavy Capybera Cicada
Cod Copepod Canada Goose
Canary Cape Buffalo Cricket
Caterpillar Cobra Cephalpod
Camel Coelacanth Crow
California Sea Lion Coral Snake Companion Dog
Cape Hunting Dog Crustacean Cuttlefish
Crocodile Common Rhea Chipmunk
Chihuahua Cottonmouth Cougar
Colugo Clam Caiman
Catamount Centipede Coyote
Caracal Chameleon Cassowary
Cookiecutter Shark


Animal Vocabulary Word List D :

Doberman Pinscher Desert Tortoise Damselfly
Dog Dark-eyed Junco Dinornis
Dingo Duck Dragonfly
Doedicurus Dilophosaurus
Downy Woodpecker
Deer Dhole Dove
Dachshund Deinonychus Dugong
Dunkleosteus Dolphin Darkling Beetle
Dromedary Dall’s Porpoise Donkey
Dinosaur Diplodocus Dodo
Dolphin, Bottlenose Dogfish Diatom
Dolphin, Spotted Dung Beetle Dory
Duck-billed Platypus Dalmatian Dimetrodon
Dall Sheep Desmatosuchus Dinichthys


Animal Vocabulary Word List E :

Earthworm Emerald Tree Boa Electric Eel
Earwig Extinct Animals Echidna
Edmontonia Eland
Endangered Species
Egg Eastern Bluebird Edenta
Edmontosaurus Ermine Egret
Elk Ekaltadelta Eohippus
Echinoderms Eel Emu
Eastern Quoll Elasmotherium Elephant Seal
Elasmosaurus Estemmenosuchus
Emperor Penguin
Emperor Angelfish Elephant Eoraptor


Animal Vocabulary Word List F :

Fin Whale Flightless Birds Fugu
Flounder Fish Flamingo
Fiddler Crab Flea Fennec Fox
Fireant Fossa Fowl
Fly Firefly Finch
Frilled Lizard Fox Flying Squirrel
Fabrosaurus Falcon Fruit Fly
Flatworm Farm Animals Ferret
Flying Fish Forest Antelope Fruit Bat
Frog Forest Giraffe

Animal Vocabulary Word List G :

Gavial Galagos Grizzly Bear
Giant Squid Gila Monster Goldfish
Goose Gorilla Gerbil
Grouper Goat Grub
Golden Lion Tamarin Goldfinch Golden Eagle
Gnat Great Horned Owl Greyhound
Green Iguana Gar Gopher
Gazelle Green Darner Dragonfly Giraffe
German Shepherd Guinea Pig Gray Whale
Great Dane Grouse
Galapagos Shark
Gull Gibbon Great Apes
Great White Shark Gnu Groundhog
Greenland Shark Grasshopper Glyptodon
Great Egret Golden Retriever Gastropod
Gecko Gulper Eel

Animal Vocabulary Word List H :

hen harpy eagle husky
horse hyrax
hammerhead shark
hedgehog hummingbird harlequin bug
humpback whale honey bee heron
herring howler monkey human being
hatchetfish hound horseshoe crab
hare hawk hippo
hyena Hawaiian goose hippopotamus
hornet harp seal house fly
hamster hermit crab Hyracotherium


Animal Vocabulary Word List I :

Indian Elephant
Irish Setter

Animal Vocabulary Word List J :

Japanese Crane
Jack Russell Terrier
Jack Rabbit
John Dory
Jumping Bean Moth

Animal Vocabulary Word List K :

Koala Katydid Kinkajou
Krill Kakapo
Keel-billed Toucan
Kangaroo Karakul Kiwi
Knobbed Whelk Komodo Dragon Kentrosaurus
Kangaroo Rat King Crab Kookaburra
Kronosaurus Killer Whale Kudu
King Cobra


Animal Vocabulary Word List L :

Leafcutter Ant Longhorn Leghorn
Loggerhead Turtle Lemon Shark Lynx
Labrador Retriever Loon Liopleurodon
Lice Leopard Luminous Shark
Limpet Lake Trout Locust
Llama Luna Moth Lhasa Apso
Ladybug Loris Louse
Lagomorph Lemur Lizard
Lion Lanternfish Lightning Bug
Lobster Larva Lorikeet


Animal Vocabulary Word List M :

Megalodon Marine Mammals
Megamouth Shark
Midge Macrauchenia Migrate
Maggot Moa Marmoset
Macaque Musk Ox Mongoose
Marsupial Mammal Mountain Lion
Mallard Duck Mako Shark Mealworm
Muskrat Mudpuppy Mackerel
Meadowlark Morpho Butterfly Marmot
Mice Macaw Mamba
Morganucodon Minnow Monkey
Mandrill Mollusk Mouse
Monitor Lizard Merganser Millipede
Marbled Murrelet Manta Ray Mantis
Moray Eel Mammoth Mussels
Manatee Monarch Butterfly Mockingbird
Mosquito Moth Meerkat
Monotreme Mink Mastodon
Moose Mustelids Mastiff
Mole Man-o’-war Mantid


Animal Vocabulary Word List N :

Nautilus Nene
Northern Elephant Seal
Nightingale Naked Mole-rat Nutria
Nuthatch Nabarlek
Nine-banded Armadillo
Numbat Northern Cardinal Nest
Narwhal Nymph Newt
Northern Right Whale North American Porcupine
Northern Fur Seal
Nandu North American Beaver Nurse Shark


Animal Vocabulary Word List O :

Oviraptor Otter, River Owl
Old English Sheepdog Octopus Ornitholestes
Onager Ocelot Otter, Sea
Orangutan Okapi Ostrich
Oregon Silverspot Butterfly Ornithomimus Oriole
Orca Oropendola Oxpecker
Opossum Oyster Oryx
Orthacanthus Ox


Animal Vocabulary Word List P :

Plover Pangolin Platypus
Parakeet Praying Mantis Peacock
Perissodactyls Panther Poodle
Pika Prairie Chicken Primates
Pompano Parrot Puffin
Piranha Pig Proboscideans
Peafowl Pufferfish Porcupine
Penguin Painted Turtle
Port Jackson Shark
Platybelodon Peregrine Falcon Porpoise
Postosuchus Painted Lady Butterfly Pug
Python Pond Skater Pinnipeds
Ploughshare Tortoise Petrel Pronghorn
Pupfish Pekingese
Placental Mammals
Panda Praying Mantid Pomeranian
Pigeon Pill Bug Protozoan
Pelican Puma
Portuguese Water Dog
Polliwog Pupa Plankton
Polar Bear


Animal Vocabulary Word List Q :

Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing
Queen Conch

Animal Vocabulary Word List R :

Rottweiler Right Whale Red Panda
Red Kangaroo Reindeer Ray
Rodent Raccoon
Redbilled Oxpecker
Rhinoceros Rhode Island Red Rhino
Ring-tailed Lemur Rat Rooster
Red-tailed Hawk Roadrunner
Red Hooded Duck
Roach Rhea Ringtail Possum
Rabbit Roundworm River Otter
Rockhopper Penguin Rock Dove
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Robin Rattlesnake Reptile
Red Wolf Ring-billed Gull


Animal Vocabulary Word List S :

Sugar Glider Snail Sand Dollar
Snowy Owl Spectacled Caiman Stork
Stegosaurus Sea Anemone Spider
Sloth Snow Goose Sea Turtle
Snapper Stingray Salamander
Starling Squid Sunfish
Starfish St. Bernard Slug
Skipper Spiny Lizard Sea Star
Snake Sea Worm Swan
Shrew Swift
Spectacled Porpoise
Snapping Turtle Swallowtail Butterfly Spiny Anteater
Sandpiper Sponge Swordfish
Slow Worm Seahorse Silverfish
Silkworm Smilodon Shark
Sealion Squirrel Spotted Owl
Stonefly Sea Cow Skink
Sailfish Shrimp Scottish Terrier
Scarlet Macaw Scallop Salmon
Sheep Siamang Sea Cucumber
Springtail Sparrow Sea Otter
Skunk Siberian Husky Seal
Scorpion Sea Urchin Serval
Softshell Turtle Snow Leopard


Animal Vocabulary Word List T :

Tundra Wolf Tuna Tarantula
Tanager Three-toed Sloth Toad
Torosaurus Trilobite
Tiger Shark Tsetse Fly Tarsier
Terrier Troodon Tick
Tiger Thrip Turtle
Triceratops Trout Tarpon
Turkey Tamarin Toucan
Tern Tyrannosaurus Rex Thresher Shark
Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Trachodon Teratosaurus
Tasmanian Devil Tree Sparrow Treefrog
Thescelosaurus Tadpole Tapir
Tuatara Tree Shrew Termite
Trumpeter Swan Tasmanian Tiger Tortoise
T. Rex


Animal Vocabulary Word List U :

Ulysses Butterfly

Animal Vocabulary Word List V :

Veiled Chameleon
Venomous Animals
Valley Quail
Viceroy Butterfly
Vampire Bat
Virginia Opossum

Animal Vocabulary Word List W :

Water Strider White-breasted Nuthatch Wasp
Wombat White Bengal Tiger Water Moccasin
Woodpecker Walrus
Woolly Mammoth
Whale White Pelican Wildebeest
White Tiger Waterbug Weevil
Working Dog Worm Wild Cat
Warthog Wallaby Wood Louse
Woodchuck West Highland White Terrier
White-tailed Deer
Whippet Wolf
Woodland Caribou
Western Meadowlark White Rhinoceros Weasel
Whale Shark Woolly Bear Caterpillar Wild Dog
Wren White-spotted Dolphin Whip Scorpion
Weddell Seal White Dove
Western Spotted Owl
Whelk Woolly Rhinoceros Walkingstick


Animal Vocabulary Word List X :


Animal Vocabulary Word List Y :

Yellow Mongoose
Yellow Mealworm
Yorkshire Terrier

Animal Vocabulary Word List Z :

Zebra Longwing Butterfly
Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly
Zebra Bullhead Shark

Who doesn’t love animals? From hamsters to pandas, they’re all adorable, they’re all friendly and they’re all very useful. This Animal vocabulary word list a to z is a list of words that everyone should know when it comes to learning about these creatures.

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